ganesh-ecsion / SalesTracking

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Sales Tracking API Creation using Node JS #1

Open ganesh-ecsion opened 4 years ago

ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API Creation" using Node JS. I have done with GetAllTag, InsertTag , MapTags, DeleteTag and UpdateTag API and functions.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API Creation" using Node JS. I have updated GetAllTag, InsertTag , MapTags, DeleteTag and UpdateTag API and functions as per given output and fixed SP issues.

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Also created "removeTagMapping" API and function. Commit Link -

nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on Salestracking APIS 1)Created APIS for the methods insertUpdatePickListValue, deletePicklisNameByRowGUID, GetPiplinesListByBusiness, getPiplinesDetailsById, getAllPiplinesColorsList, GetDealsPipelineViewListByCompany, insertUpdatePipeLineName, insertUpdatePipeLineValues, insertUserWorkspaces, getAllPickListByPicklistNameOid, GetBusinessListByUser. Also fixed the issues for previous APIs updated by Abhijeet.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API Creation" using Node JS. I have done with - getAllTagColors, getRolesList, getInvitedUsersListByBusiness, getAllUsersListForWorkspace, getCompanyByRowGuid, insertWorkspaceInvites, getAllAnotherUsersListForWorkspace, updateUserDetails, isExistInviteUserEmail, getColumnNamesByCompany, updateColumn, deleteColumn, UpdateUserAccountActiveStatus API's.

Also updated output of some API which was updated by Abhijit.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on Salestracking APIS 1)Created APIS for the methods getBusinessByCompany, insertBusinessRecords, insertPicklist, insertPipeline, InsertUpdateLogsTokensGenerated. Also fixed the issues for previous APIs updated by Abhijeet for rows that doesn't have input json parameters. 2)Also worked on App Vault changes given by Neetu and Ankita.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API Creation" using Node JS. I have done with 10 API's. Also updated some API's output.

Also updated output of some API which was updated by Abhijit.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Updated InsertUpdateLogsTokensGenerated, insertPicklist, insertPipeline, insertBusinessRecords API methods as per OUT parameters.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Whatever API's updated by Abhijit/Neha that API's I have updated and Fixed Out parameter result of some API's as well. Also created "getPipelineListByObjectRefId" and "getBusineesByCompanyAndImportDataType".

Also merge and committed all changed to ganesh and develop branch.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on Salestracking Apis, 1)Today I have worked on merging the code, after merged the code with main develop branch, everyone got the issues and conflicts and our functions got removed and messed up in our individual branches. So had discussion with Imraan & Sudhakar and merged everyone's individual code into the develop branch as per each sheet. Now our main develop branch is upto date with each API. 2)Worked with Pratik and Pooja, for crash_exception_fatal_errors and screenshot_issue_comments functionality. 3)Also, worked on leadDeal module sheet, but it has many issues in the input JSON parameters and SP parameters, So added my comments there and given to Neha.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have done with Companies Module and setting module API's. Also worked on LeadDeal module. only 5 API's are remaining of leadDeal Module. I have added my feedback for leadDeal Module because some API's input json are missing. So once neha will update that the i will worked on it.

Also implemented functionality to replace Value Of Key In ObjectArray. Also managed condition for empty data.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on Salestracking Apis, 1)Worked with Neetu, for crash_exception_fatal_errors and screenshot_issue_comments functionality and provided her required tables for inserting the crash and screenshot data. 2)Also, worked on leadDeal module sheet, Created APIS for the methods insertUpdateFieldDefinitions, insertUpdateFieldDefinitionsUserCustomizationsByUser, insertUpdateActivityLog. 3)Now updating API functions as per Sudhakar and Abhijeet's provided changes.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have done with "Companies Module" and "LeadDeal module" API's. Also tested all API's output. Also push all code to my branch and merge to develop.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have Created and tested "insertUpdateListRowGUID API" that was remaining yesterday. Also Merge all code to develop branch. Also tested API's working on not on live server URL -

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have started working on "Email Module" and done with 4-5 API's. Also tested the API and check for output result. Still working on this.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have done with "Email Module" API's. Also tested the API and check for output result. Also merge code on "Develop" branch and fixed merge conflict.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have created "deleteEmailByRowGuid_MySql" API and Function. Also merge code on "Develop" branch and fixed merge conflict.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Created APIs for WebBL_CreateNewException, createSeriesOccurrences, web_getEventInstancesListBySeriesRowGUID, DeleteEventInstancesOutOfSeriesRange, CloneEventAttendeesForException, CloneEventAttachmentsForException from the Event Module Sheet.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have Created "insertUpdateContactCompany" API and Function of Company Module. Also Created Event Module "UpdateEventType, insertUpdateEventAttendeesScheduler, DeleteEventAttendeesList, UpdateSeriesEventOccurrencesAndExceptions" API's.

Also merge code on "Develop" branch and fixed merge conflict.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Created APIs for insertListFiexedColumnsInFieldDefintionByTableId, InsertListViewsMasterRecords, getObjectByRowGUID, TempDataImportHeaderTable from the Setting Module Sheet. 2)Resolved all the missing APIs from Abhijeet's code from Setting Module sheet. Updated those APIs fron commits and merged on main branch develop. 3)Resolved all the missing APIs from Neha's code from Setting Module sheet. Updated those APIs fron commits and merged on main branch develop.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have Created "insertAllDataImportFromExcel" and "TempDataImportRowsTable" Setting module API Function. Also worked with Nikita to fixed some API's conflict issue as well as correct API's code merge by Neha. Also merge code on "Develop" branch and fixed merge conflict.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Working on separating the APIs from each sheet to their respective routes and modules files as said by Imraan. 2)Created separate routes and functions for Global Search Module, Details View Module, Filters Module, and Companies Module.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". I have separated API routes and API functions for Settings Module and Contacts Module. Created separate routes and modules folder/files to manage each API routes and Function. Also committed changes on "ganesh-routes" branch.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". 1) I have separated Settings and Contacts Module API routes and functions in separate files. 2) Updated SettingsModule and ContactsModule function call with their respective module name. 3) Merge code and tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Worked on separating the APIs, updated the module files of Global Search, Details View, Filters and Companies Module as per the names in the module folder. 2)Renamed the output JSON as per the replace map fields of getContactCompanyByListGUID, getContactsListByUserId, getUsersOrTeamsByBusinessGUID, getActivityLogByMappingRowGuid, GetInteractionsListByListRowGUID, getAllRelatedNotes API methods of Details View Modules.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Working on connection string changes into the APIs. 2)Today completed Global Search Module, Details View Module, Filters Module. 3)Currently adding connection strings to the companies modules.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Updated SettingsModule and ContactsModule function with "GetConnectionInfo" and "getContextualConnection" function. Done with SettingsModule and ContactsModule API's. Also Merge code and tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Working on newly created web service module sheet. 2)Created APIS for the methods getMailMessageByRowGUID, getUserByUserId_service, insertMultipleContactsRecords, insertMultipleTableMappingRecords. 3)Worked with Sudhakar on insertMultipleContactsRecords API, worked on SP side and request parameters and fixed the issues.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created API's for WebService Module. I have done with 15 API's and tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Working on newly created web service module sheet. 2)Created APIS for the methods insertMultipleEventsRecords, insertMultipleListRecords, insertMultiplePhoneRecords, insertMultipleEmailRecords, insertMultiplePhoneLogRecords, insertMultipleAlertRecords, insertMultipleNoteRecords, insertMultipleEventAttendeesRecords, insertMultipleContactCompanyRecords, insertMultipleEmailMasterRecords, insertShortcut, insertMultipleTaskRecords_v2, insertRecentsRecords, insertMultipleTags, insertMultipleFilterRecords, insertMultipleFilteColumnMappingRecords, insertActivityWorkspaceMapping, insertMultipleFilesObjectRecords, insertMultipleEventAttachmentsRecords, insertMultipleEmailAttachmentsRecords, insertMultipleAddressInformationRecords.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Working on newly created web service module sheet. 2)Created APIS for the methods updateMultipleFieldDefinitionsRecords, updateMultipleEventsRecords, updateMultipleListRecords, updateMultipleContactsRecords, updateMultiplePhoneRecords, updateMultipleEmailRecords, updateMultipleNoteRecords, updateMultipleContactCompanyRecords,updateMultipleAddressRecords, updateShortcut, updateMultipleTaskRecords_v2, updateMultipleEventsRecords. 3)Worked with Sudhakar on SP side and request parameters and fixed the issues that are getting in the output.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Updated and created API's and function for WebService Modules. We have done with WebService Modules all API's and tested API's as well. Also merge code to dynamicRoutes branch.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Created API'S for UserLogin_MySql, getFieldDefinitionsByVersion methods. 2)Worked with Sudhakar on SP side and input json request parameters and fixed the issues that are getting in the output. 3)Also Commented single quote line of code from all the API methods of web service module sheet.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Discussed with Sudhakar on "WebService Module API" input json parameter and fixed API's code as per input json. Also worked on API's added by Abhijeet into WebService Module.

nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Created API'S for getBusinessByRowGUIDs_service, service_CreateNewException, Common_InsertUpdateEventDateTime methods. 2)Worked with Abhijeet on SP side and input json request parameters. In service_CreateNewException method there are alot of bugs in parameters. So tested and fixed the issues that are getting in the output. 3)Also worked with Neha, she has some fixes in the API side and added those changes and merged in main branch. 4)Working on the API, that have issues in merging, fixed that and added user connection strings to those APIs.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created getAllUserWorkspacesByUserGUID API and Function for WebService Module. Also merge code on server. and tested as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)There are API's from event module sheet found by Sudhakar, that are not merged properly. Those APIs has issues and output not returned properly. 2)So fixed those APIs methods insertUpdateEventIsAllDay, updateEventType, insertUpdateEventAttendeesScheduler, DeleteEventAttendeesList, updateSeriesEventOccurrencesAndExceptions, CloneEventAttendeesForException, DeleteEventInstancesOutOfSeriesRange, createSeriesOccurrences, WebBL_CreateNewException, updateSeriesEventRule, updateEventIsMailSendToAttendees, updateMyInviteResponse from event module sheet. 3)Also there are two APIs in web service sheet, the usercontext string not added. So added the usercontext strings and fixed the issues. 4)Worked with Neha, she needed help in merging so I have merged her code from my side.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTracking APIs, 1)worked on the event module, login module, lead deal module, settings module and filter module files. As per the last merge, there were the code overlapping with each other and also the usercontext strings were removed from those modules and APIs not working. So Fixed the API methods and added usercontext strings to event module, login module, lead deal module, settings module, filter module and detailsview module files and tested the APIs. Now it is working properly.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Working on SalesTracking APIs, 1)Worked on Push Notification module sheet, created Apis for insertGmailPushNotifications, getHistoryIdByGmailAcctId, UpdateGmailPushnotificationProcessFlag, GetAllAuthenticatedUsersDetailsbySubscriptionId, InsertOutlookPushNotifications, UpdateOutlookPushnotificationProcessFlag methods.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created API's and Functions for PushNotifications module. Created new branch for pushNotification module API and merged code on Development branch. Also tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTrackingAPIs and SecurevaultAPIs, 1)Created Apis for GetUploadTransactionsListToSyncRemote, getEventAttendeesListByEventRowGuid, getEventAttachmentsListByEventRowGuid, InsertUpdateLogsAttachmentSync, updateEventAttachmentExternalApiId, InsertUpdateLogsWebToRemoteSync and updateEventIdAfterSync Api methods.

ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created API and Function for UserSyncing Module. Also merge Nikita and Sudhakar and My API's to main branch. Also tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTrackingAPIs and SecurevaultAPIs, 1)Created Apis for updateSeriesEventInstancesApiIds, getLatestSyncToken, UpdateEventSyncFlagByEventRowGUID, UpdateEventAttachmentIdAfterSync, insertUpdateContacts, insertUpdateContactsEmailAndPhones, updateContactSyncFlagDB, UpdateGoogleLastSyncTime, getContactsListByAccountId, InsertContactAlias, InsertUserEmailLabels and UpdateEmailLastSyncingTimestamps Api methods.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created API and Function for UserSyncing Module. Done with 10 API"s. Also merged Nikita and My API's to main branch. Also tested API's as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on SalesTrackingAPIs, 1)Created Apis for UpdateEmailFullSyncCompletedFlag, UpdateOutlookEmailFoldersDeltatoken, GetUsersEmailLabelByLabelId, UpdateCalenderID, DeleteEventsByAccountId, UpdateCalendarChannelIdForWatch, GetEventDetailsByApiEventId, InsertUpdateLogsAttachmentSync and UpdateEventSyncFlagByEventRowGUID Api methods.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Created API and Function for UserSyncing Module. Also Merged UserSyncing API's created by Nikita, Sudhakar, Abhijeet and Neha.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API". Sudhakar facing some issue on API code so i helped them and Fixed Event module getAllEventsByUser API issue.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Today I have worked on "Sales Tracking API" with Abhijeet. I have implemented a code to generate a errorLog file while any API is called. Also checked for 401 error while login using IAM server.

ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API" things. I have taken pull of latest code and fixed merge conflict issue, then commented a console.log() code from all API modules.

Also checked for why IAM login and logout taking too much time for sales tracking App. I found that the App ID and App Secret Key that they are using is pointing to localhost IPN URL. So while login using IAM, the CURL Post request was going to localhost URL which is not working. So we have changed that URL with live salescrmApp URL. Now its working fine and fast.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API" things. I have Implemented functionality to log API calls globally and save data into database. Created database as well as SP to stored logs into database.

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ganesh-ecsion commented 4 years ago

I have worked on "Sales Tracking API" things. I have Implemented functionality to log API calls globally and save data into database. Also Fixed API call logs start and end time functionality issue. Saved request and response as well. Merge code on development branch and tested as well.

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nikita-ecsion commented 4 years ago

Worked on Salestracking APIs, created APIs for notes module sheet. Today created 3 APIs for getNoteDetailsByRowGUID, getNotesMappingListByRefRowGUID and insertUpdateNotes methods. Updated my code on git and provided it to Neha.

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