Congratulations @ganeshrvel for maintaining this great application. It is my favorite option to transfer many gigabytes between my phone and my computer. The Wi-Fi options always give me problems when they are large files.
I would like to propose that favorites be implemented. Using the right-click menu, you would mark a folder as a favorite, which would be marked with a star. Then in the top menu there would be a star icon that, when checked, would show a list of all the favorite locations. This would save a lot of mouse clicks and time.
I hope you like my proposal and it is not very expensive to implement.
Thank you for your suggestion and kind words! I'm planning a rewrite of OpenMTP to make it faster and sleeker, and I'll consider including favorites in future releases. Stay tuned!
Congratulations @ganeshrvel for maintaining this great application. It is my favorite option to transfer many gigabytes between my phone and my computer. The Wi-Fi options always give me problems when they are large files.
I would like to propose that favorites be implemented. Using the right-click menu, you would mark a folder as a favorite, which would be marked with a star. Then in the top menu there would be a star icon that, when checked, would show a list of all the favorite locations. This would save a lot of mouse clicks and time.
I hope you like my proposal and it is not very expensive to implement.