ganglia / gmond_python_modules

Repository of user-contributed Gmond Python DSO metric modules
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GPU custom graphs dont work with default installation in CentOS 6 #225

Open stephensje opened 7 years ago

stephensje commented 7 years ago

I installed the nVidia GPU plugin for several nodes that contain Quadro M4000 cards on CentOS 6. All of the metrics worked fine in ganglia-web except for the 5 that utilize the custom graphs in the files added to graph.d. These files are named gpu_... but since the graphics card is identified as gpu0, I was only able to get these graphs to appear by renaming the files gpu0..., and then going into each file and similarly updating the function name, and then hard-coding the $dIndex variable to 0. I tried to go through the PHP files to understand where the core problem was, but the amount of files & scripting is overwhelming.

russauld commented 7 years ago

+1 to this. Same problem here. I spent a couple hours looking in graph.php trying to work backwards from this block of code:

// We must have a 'series' value, or this is all for naught
  if (!array_key_exists('series', $rrdtool_graph) ||
      !strlen($rrdtool_graph['series'])) {
    $rrdtool_graph['series'] =
      'HRULE:1#FFCC33:"Empty RRDtool command. Likely bad graph config"';

Still haven't figured out why it's failing.

jrstjohn commented 6 years ago

This is quite annoying, but the workaround that stephensje provided does work.