ganlab / GALA

Long-reads Gap-free Chromosome-scale Assembler
MIT License
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Parameters for multi-threads? #21

Closed zhaotao1987 closed 2 years ago

zhaotao1987 commented 2 years ago

Hi! @mawad89 GALA seems powerful, I'm trying this software out.. however I don't see a parameter for multi-threads(?). For example, running bwa takes pretty long if not multi-threaded. Thanks!

usage: gala -h [options] <draft_names & paths> <fa/fq>

GALA Gap-free Long-reads Assembler

positional arguments: draft_names Draft names and paths [required] input_file input type (fq/fa) [required] reads raw/corrected reads [required] sequencing_platform pacbio-raw pacbio-corrected nanopore-raw nanopore- corrected [required]

optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -a [ASSEMBLER [ASSEMBLER ...]] Chr-by_Chr assembler (canu flye miniasm) [default canu] -b Alignment block length [default 5000] -p Alignment identity percentage [default 70%] -l lowest number of misassemblies indecator [default 1] -c Shortest contig length [default 5000] -k Mis-assembly block [default 175] It is better to extend the misassembly block in case of unpolished assemblies or expected mis-assemblies in highly repetative regions (5000-10000) -q Mapping quality [default 20] -f Output files name [default gathering] -t cut on a threshold passed by -u [default False] -u threshold cut value [default 3] -o output files path [default current directory] -v, --version show program's version number and exit

zhaotao1987 commented 2 years ago

Okay, I've saw this. #