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Bourbon and Normalize #4

Open GolfyMcG opened 10 years ago

GolfyMcG commented 10 years ago

This is entirely preference, but I recommend using:

Now, YES this is in SASS, but CSS is perfectly valid in scss files and will let you keep doing exactly what you're doing, but you can start to play with mixins or variables at least, to start.

Neat uses mixins for managing columns, so it might be hard to grasp at first, but you can leave that out for now if you like, and keep using skeleton.

Bitters is just some very simple basic styling which are more up to date then the base ones you have now, IMO. It also provides a solid file structure, which I would also recommend using/reading about here.

PS. I think thoughtbot is awesome.

GolfyMcG commented 10 years ago

Also, bitters would handle this, but I highly recommend making your base font size 16px, at least. 11px is too small for most apps.