gantry / gantry5

:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework
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[FR] Enhance the File Picker #2546

Open JoelAzaria opened 5 years ago

JoelAzaria commented 5 years ago

Current File Picker is passable but missing some key features for file management -

It was suggested by @thexmanxyz on gitter to submit FR here. These are really basic file management features and it makes Gantry particles feel like toys when you have to leave to another tool to do "work".


thexmanxyz commented 5 years ago

@JoelAzaria Thanks for creating a FR I will now also tag @mahagr for a review on this FR. I think this is a viable feature request for the picker because it is mandatory for end-users to have a GUI assisted way of doing this stuff. Not everyone can and wants to mess with FTP or different pickers / forms achieving this type of tasks.

JoelAzaria commented 5 years ago

Thanks guys, absolutely agree @thexmanxyz.

CMS use should be made as easy as possible. As it stands there's enough for an end-user to learn about it... Having to drop out mid-task (let's say picking image for some item in a particle) and canceling, just to have to go somewhere else to upload the image (or just simply rename it or folder it) then come back to the particle and start again, is kinda crappy experience for end user and eu deserve better.

Sure, if user is a bit more savvy, can open a second tab with smth like Phoca explorer.
Or as you said, a whole other app for ftp.

All these options kinda suck.

As a user, I want to just work right here, where I am picking the file, right here when I see the "oh shoot - There's an extra space at the end of that filename...", right here is where I wanna fix it. It's what ppl expect these days 😺

One other point I'll make is that it would be good to use the Gantry picker also in the context of the CMS. I can only speak from Joomla PoV but for example when I'm in/writing a Joomla Article, I'd like to use Gantry file picker there too. I think that means it has to be made into Module or something and then you can select it as the System file picker*.

So for example some sites will have Gantry pages made up as layouts right in the template and also Layout pages with content coming from the CMS. It would be cool for file picker to be consistent everywhere. If I'm a small team or single-owner/user site, having a different picker in one place and then another, would be confusing. So it'd be great to if Gantry picker could be standardized on in the cms.

Once it's full featured, why not? The System picker has the same shortcomings as the Gantry picker so it would be a big improvement.

* I assume WP and maybe Grav has some analog to this.