gantry / gantry5

:rocket: Next Generation Template / Theme Framework
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Grav - Gantry's Extras Menu Prod/Dev Toggle creates deprecated custom environment path instead of using user/config/plugins/ #3169

Open blizam opened 1 year ago

blizam commented 1 year ago

If I toggle Gantry from Production to Development under the Extras menu when it goes to write the gantry5.yaml file it creates a old-style custom environment path directly under /user/ like


the ONLY thing that will be in the file is the "production" attribute and true|false value... no settings that are in the main user/config/plugins/gantry5.yaml are retained/copied.

This does NOT happen if I go to Extras > Platform Settings and change the "Production Mode" (or any other setting) there... this only happens with the Toggle in the Extras submenu.

This then creates further issues when other Grav plugins (or Grav itself) see this old-style (not that it should be happening at all, but it should now be /user/env/ custom Environment folder and start to write their YAML files there as well.

blizam commented 1 year ago

Note my issue here as well

.... with gantry.siteUrl() not evaluating properly on this same server... unsure if related