gantsign / ktlint-maven-plugin

Maven plugin for ktlint the Kotlin linter
MIT License
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How to factorize Java 17 extra command line in a Parent POM ? #540

Open aperusset opened 1 year ago

aperusset commented 1 year ago

Hi there !

I currently configure ktlint with Maven Antrun Plugin as explained there : (and it's working like a charm). During the migration of our micro-services to Java 17, I've added the additional JVM args to the Antrun Plugin configuration (as documented).

<jvmarg value="--add-opens"/> <jvmarg value="java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"/>

Your plugin is very interesting for me as it could simplify the linter configuration, but the solution you propose for Java 17 does not fit my need : I have/want to factorize everything related to plugins, in other words plugin management, in my parent POM.

So, is there a way to achieve that regarding Java 17 with your plugin ? If not, is it planned to add some configuration to your plugin to activate these Java 17 flags ? Because adding the .mvn/jvm.config file in all parent depending projects is not an option.

Thank you for you reply !

freemanjp commented 1 year ago

Hi @aperusset, thanks for raising this issue.

You can apply the settings to all projects for a user by adding the arguments in the MAVEN_OPTS environment variable e.g. add the following to your ~/.profile (if on Unix/Linux):

export MAVEN_OPTS="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"

Or you can add it to your ~/.mavenrc file:

MAVEN_OPTS="--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"


The only way this Maven plugin could add these arguments would be to fork a new JVM instance, which would make the plugin slower and require a significant amount of code to support. Not having to fork the JVM is the main advantage of using this plugin over the Maven Antrun Plugin. If you'd like to contribute a PR to support an option for forking the JVM, I'd be happy to consider it.

bullet-tooth commented 1 year ago

@freemanjp Are there any chances that the plugin would work without additional arguments to the compiler on Java 17+?

freemanjp commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, ktlint needs --add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED to be set on Java 16+. This is the code the command line ktlint version uses to add it when invoked The only options for this Maven plugin to work on Java 16+ are listed above.