gaolinorange / Automatic-Unpaired-Shape-Deformation-Transfer

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modify the variable ${GUROBI_ROOT} in CMakeLists.txt #12

Open Sepideh-Rezaeirad opened 3 years ago

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago


First of all, thank you for providing the source cod publicly available, in the ReadMe file in folder ACAP_linux you said we must to modify the variable ${GUROBI_ROOT} in CMakeLists.txt

What is the exact mean of your statement? How I must modify it?

Thanks in advance

tommaoer commented 3 years ago

Hi, You must change the path of GUROBI_ROOT in the cmakelist.txt according to your gurobi installed path.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

Many thanks for your attention,

At this time I faced with this once i wanted to build openMesh

/home/gpu/codes/asadi/def/Automatic-Unpaired-Shape-Deformation-Transfer/ACAP_linux/3rd/OpenMesh/src/OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/ error: ‘vh’ does not name a type for (auto vh : {v0, v1})

Could you please help me?


tommaoer commented 3 years ago


The openmesh is very easy to be complied. Some more information on your os environment will help me understand your problems.


Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

what information?

tommaoer commented 3 years ago

Such as your g++/gcc version, os version, etc. I guess that some settings of your cmake are wrong, such as add "std=c++11" to your cmake and try it again.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

Dear tommaoer

The versions of both g++ and gcc is (4:5.3.1-1ubuntu1) my Distributor is ubuntu, with the version of 16.04

I am a beginner in changing CMake files but in the "CmakeLists.txt" there is the below line:

IF(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE STREQUAL "Debug") MESSAGE(STATUS "Build type: Debug") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-llapack -lblas -pthread -fopenmp -O0 -Wall -fPIC -std=c++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") ELSE() MESSAGE(STATUS "Build type: Release") SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-llapack -lblas -pthread -fopenmp -O3 -Wall -fPIC -std=c++11 ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS}") ENDIF()

Do this line met your means?

tommaoer commented 3 years ago

I think you should upgrade the version of gcc and g++ larger than 5.5.0 and try it again.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

Hi tommaoer,

Thank you for your guidance. I finally ran the ACAP feature for my own obj file, the output were LOGRNEW_GT.txt and S_GT.txt files. did the output of ACAP correct?

Now, I want to do some preprocessing by running 'get_feature.m' file, but I faced with this error" Error in get_feature17 (line 11) fv=load([densemesh,'\simp\FeatureMat1.mat']);

I set the parameters (densemesh, simmesh) of 'get_feature17.m' equal to the path of my obj file, but I don't know what is the error.


tommaoer commented 3 years ago

OK, If I remember correctly, the output of the ACAP code on Linux is two txt files: one for 'LOGR' and another for 'S'. You may change line 11 to read this two files for obtaining the Acap feature, but not a mat file. This is because the mat files(Matlab) is not friendly for Linux os, we change the output to the two txt files. Sorry about the non-compatible code. After that, we will correct the script.

Thanks for pointing out.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

Ok, I will change line 11 to read Acap features, but what should 'FeatureMat1.mat' be set with? "LOGRNEW_GT.txt" or "S_GT.txt" ?


tommaoer commented 3 years ago

Both of them, because the 'FeatureMat1.mat' contains these two matrices. I have changed the code in the GitHub. You can refer to it.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

First of all, thank you for your availability, now, I ran new version of 'get_feature.mat' file but below error is happened


we must specify that 'densmesh' parameter refers to which file. for example 1.obj or 2.obj or 3.obj


tommaoer commented 3 years ago

Yes, the 'densemesh' parameter can be the same as the 'simplemesh' parameter.

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your guidance,

First of all, I finally ran 'get_feature.mat' file and the output is two '.mat' file. Is everything ready to train your model? or I need to do something else before start training.

Secondly, indeed I want to train your model on MPI DYNA, I downloaded female datasets of MPI DYNA, but there is no fit person in this dataset, could you please tell me why there isn't?

tommaoer commented 3 years ago

I think it is ready for training the network! And, I just have sent an email to me/your partner (Atefeh Baniasadi) for the second problem.

Please check it!

Sepideh-Rezaeirad commented 3 years ago

I checked Atefeh's email right now, but there is no new email,

tommaoer commented 3 years ago

sorry for the delayed reply. I think you have received the email now. Right? If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us!

Mr-Yu-95 commented 3 years ago

First of all, thank you for your availability, now, I ran new version of 'get_feature.mat' file but below error is happened


we must specify that 'densmesh' parameter refers to which file. for example 1.obj or 2.obj or 3.obj


Hi,Sepideh-Rezaeirad, when i ran the ''get_feature.mat' file, i have met the same error as you. "Error using meshlp, load model error" How did you solve this error? Could you please help me? Thanks.