gaoxiang12 / ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map

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The color of dense pointcloud map is black and white #10

Closed melodybinbin closed 7 years ago

melodybinbin commented 7 years ago

Hello,Dr. Gao.My issue is as following. After I build the ORB_SLAM2_modified,I execute the ./bin/rgbd_tum to run a dataset of TUM.However,the color of dense pointcloud map is black and white,without color information. When I build the ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map/ORB_SLAM2_modified/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2,I execute the ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map/ORB_SLAM2_modified/Examples/ROS/ORB_SLAM2/RGBD, to run the device of kinect2 real time. Similarly,there is no color of the dense pointcloud map. I need some help,thanks.

melodybinbin commented 7 years ago

And,what's the differences between the ORB_SLAM2_modified and the

taochenshh commented 7 years ago

@melodybinbin Have you figured it out? I also saw that the point cloud has no cloud rendering. I modified some code, but did not succeed.

@gaoxiang12 Could you please help us with this issue? Thanks.

gaoxiang12 commented 7 years ago

Thank you, please use the code in "ORB_SLAM2_modified/" directory, not the zipped file. It is an earlier version and I don't have time to clear it now. About the problem that the viewer doesn't show point cloud's color, please check if ORB SLAM has converted the RGB images into grayscale ones. Check the reading parts in and and if so, change those codes to make the point cloud can really read the color.

taochenshh commented 7 years ago

Thanks, that solved my problem.

UThinkD commented 7 years ago

@CTTC I have met the same problem. The pointcloud has no color information. How you solve the problem? Can you give me a help?

thornsu commented 7 years ago

I have this problem too, I remember it's color in the past. But in that version, I must install g2o_with_orbslam2, it's in zipped file. I would not to install the past version because that g2o version is different with now.

lizhihuit commented 7 years ago

@CTTC I have met the same problem.The color of dense pointcloud map is black and white,without color information.Can you give me a help? Thankyou

melodybinbin commented 7 years ago

As Dr. Gao said above, use the code in "ORB_SLAM2_modified/" directory, not the zipped file. Firstly, declare mImRGB in Tracking.h as following: Frame mCurrentFrame; cv::Mat mImRGB;//declared cv::Mat mImGray; Secondly, modify the as following: Modified place 1: cv::Mat Tracking::GrabImageRGBD(const cv::Mat &imRGB,const cv::Mat &imD, const double &timestamp) { mImRGB = imRGB;//Modified place 1 mImGray = imRGB; ......

Modified place 2: mpPointCloudMapping->insertKeyFrame( pKF, this->mImGray, this->mImDepth );//change the mImGray to mImRGB as next row mpPointCloudMapping->insertKeyFrame( pKF, this->mImRGB, this->mImDepth );//Modified place 2

Finally,execute and to realize color dense pointcloud map with data sets and kinect v2 respectively.

NeXT1995 commented 2 years ago
