gaoxiang12 / ORBSLAM2_with_pointcloud_map

830 stars 346 forks source link error #6

Closed thornsu closed 7 years ago

thornsu commented 7 years ago

I have install g2o_with_orbslam2, and don't use g2o in ROS(maybe,I delete ros's setup.bash in .bashrc),and make succeed in ORB_SLAM2_modified,but when I run example rgbd_tum,there are some error: Lenovo-G510:~/slamstudy/orbslam2_modified/ORB_SLAM2_modified/Examples/RGB-D$ ./rgbd_tum ~/Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt TUM1.yaml ~/slamstudy/rgbd_dataset_freiburg1_xyz associations/fr1_xyz.txt ./rgbd_tum: symbol lookup error: /home/haosu/slamstudy/orbslam2_modified/ORB_SLAM2_modified/lib/ undefined symbol: _ZTVN3g2o25EdgeSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPoseE And when I replace with the same file in package zip, it works but my modification don't work.

thornsu commented 7 years ago

Oh,I have solve this problem, I reinstall g2o and delete g2o in ros