gaoxiang12 / faster-lio

Faster-LIO: Lightweight Tightly Coupled Lidar-inertial Odometry using Parallel Sparse Incremental Voxels
GNU General Public License v2.0
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作者你好,我使用你的项目过程中将velodyne替换成Robosense的激光雷达,同时也参考了LiDAR_IMU_Init项目进行了改写。但还是报了以下错误,不知道如何修改,麻烦指导一下,谢谢。 #55

Closed Tony-TF closed 1 year ago

Tony-TF commented 1 year ago


void PointCloudPreprocess::VelodyneHandler(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr &msg) { cloudout.clear(); cloudfull.clear();

pcl::PointCloud<robosense_ros::Point> pl_orig;
pcl::fromROSMsg(*msg, pl_orig);
int plsize = pl_orig.points.size();

/*** These variables only works when no point timestamps given ***/
double omega_l = 3.61;  // scan angular velocity
std::vector<bool> is_first(num_scans_, true);
std::vector<double> yaw_fp(num_scans_, 0.0);    // yaw of first scan point
std::vector<float> yaw_last(num_scans_, 0.0);   // yaw of last scan point
std::vector<float> time_last(num_scans_, 0.0);  // last offset time

if (pl_orig.points[plsize - 1].timestamp > 0) {
    given_offset_time_ = true;
} else {
    given_offset_time_ = false;
    double yaw_first = atan2(pl_orig.points[0].y, pl_orig.points[0].x) * 57.29578;
    double yaw_end = yaw_first;
    int layer_first = pl_orig.points[0].ring;
    for (uint i = plsize - 1; i > 0; i--) {
        if (pl_orig.points[i].ring == layer_first) {
            yaw_end = atan2(pl_orig.points[i].y, pl_orig.points[i].x) * 57.29578;

for (int i = 0; i < plsize; i++) {
    PointType added_pt;

    added_pt.normal_x = 0;
    added_pt.normal_y = 0;
    added_pt.normal_z = 0;
    added_pt.x = pl_orig.points[i].x;
    added_pt.y = pl_orig.points[i].y;
    added_pt.z = pl_orig.points[i].z;
    added_pt.intensity = pl_orig.points[i].intensity;
    added_pt.curvature =(pl_orig.points[i].timestamp - msg->header.stamp.toSec()) * 1000;  // curvature unit: ms

    if (!given_offset_time_) {
        int layer = pl_orig.points[i].ring;
        double yaw_angle = atan2(added_pt.y, added_pt.x) * 57.2957;

        if (is_first[layer]) {
            yaw_fp[layer] = yaw_angle;
            is_first[layer] = false;
            added_pt.curvature = 0.0;
            yaw_last[layer] = yaw_angle;
            time_last[layer] = added_pt.curvature;

        // compute offset time
        if (yaw_angle <= yaw_fp[layer]) {
            added_pt.curvature = (yaw_fp[layer] - yaw_angle) / omega_l;
        } else {
            added_pt.curvature = (yaw_fp[layer] - yaw_angle + 360.0) / omega_l;

        if (added_pt.curvature < time_last[layer]) added_pt.curvature += 360.0 / omega_l;

        yaw_last[layer] = yaw_angle;
        time_last[layer] = added_pt.curvature;

    if (i % point_filter_num_ == 0) {
        if (added_pt.x * added_pt.x + added_pt.y * added_pt.y + added_pt.z * added_pt.z > (blind_ * blind_)) {


同时也修改了 velodyne_utbm.yaml

common: lid_topic: "/rslidar_points" imu_topic: "/imu/data" time_sync_en: true # ONLY turn on when external time synchronization is really not possible

preprocess: lidar_type: 2 # 1 for Livox serials LiDAR, 2 for Velodyne LiDAR, 3 for ouster LiDAR, scan_line: 32 blind: 4 time_scale: 1e-3 # 兼容不同数据集的时间单位 mapping: acc_cov: 0.1 gyr_cov: 0.1 b_acc_cov: 0.0001 b_gyr_cov: 0.0001 fov_degree: 180 det_range: 100.0 extrinsic_est_en: true # true: enable the online estimation of IMU-LiDAR extrinsic extrinsic_T: [ -0.5, 1.4, 1.5] extrinsic_R: [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1] publish: path_publish_en: false scan_publish_en: true # false: close all the point cloud output scan_effect_pub_en: true # true: publish the pointscloud of effect point dense_publish_en: false # false: low down the points number in a global-frame point clouds scan. scan_bodyframe_pub_en: true # true: output the point cloud scans in IMU-body-frame path_save_en: true # 保存轨迹,用于精度计算和比较 pcd_save: pcd_save_en: true interval: -1 # how many LiDAR frames saved in each pcd file;

-1 : all frames will be saved in ONE pcd file, may lead to memory crash when having too much frames.

feature_extract_enable: false point_filter_num: 6 max_iteration: 3 filter_size_surf: 0.5 filter_size_map: 0.5 cube_side_length: 1000 ivox_grid_resolution: 0.5 # default=0.2 ivox_nearby_type: 18 # 6, 18, 26 esti_plane_threshold: 0.1 # default=0.1

Tony-TF commented 1 year ago


stidk commented 9 months ago

@Tony-TF 你好,我想问一下您是用的速腾雷达吗,我现在用的是速腾16线雷达,不知道需要修改什么配置或是改哪一块代码能跑通,希望得到您的回复,谢谢。
