gaoxiang12 / slambook

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Book edits #288

Closed andrewpak closed 2 years ago

andrewpak commented 2 years ago

你好, 不好意思我的中文不太好。

I have started reading through your book and I really appreciate this resource. As I am going through it, I am already noticing instances where the translation could be improved. I see in the acknowledgements you mention opening issues in regard to updates. Please let me know where and how. I do not want to open multiple tickets so I will offer changes in sizable chunks, just point me in the right direction where to submit these changes exactly as I would like to contribute to this project in any way possible.

Much appreciation.

gaoxiang12 commented 2 years ago

Hi @andrewpak ,

Thanks for your interest in this book. Currently, we have an open-source English translation in Github: I have released the LaTeX source files so you could directly download and update them. Please send me a PR through Github if you want to merge the updates into this repo.

Best regards, Xiang

andrewpak commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the swift response! I'll send a PR when I think I have enough worth merging. Thanks again for your work, I wish I could sponsor!

Andrew Pak.