gaoxiang12 / slambook

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12章loop_closure 出现Segmentation fault错误 #291

Open caijun199702 opened 2 years ago

caijun199702 commented 2 years ago


Klngbob commented 1 year ago



BTREE-C802 commented 1 year ago


CJJuly commented 9 months ago


ksn13 commented 6 months ago

遇到了同样的问题,有什么解决方案吗? 谢谢

BTREE-C802 commented 6 months ago


ksn13 commented 6 months ago

我的解决方案: DBoW3::BowVector bowVec; DBoW3::FeatureVector featVec; // or with database cout<<"comparing images with database :"<<descriptors.size() <<endl; DBoW3::Database db( vocab, false, 0); ✹ for ( int i=0; i<descriptors.size(); i++ ) { vocab.transform(descriptors[i], bowVec); featVec.addFeature(i, 0); // Adding features with default weight 0

      /* db.add(descriptors[i]); */
      db.add(bowVec, featVec);

  cout<<"database info: "<<db<<endl;

✹ for ( int i=0; i<descriptors.size(); i++ ) { DBoW3::QueryResults ret; vocab.transform(descriptors[i], bowVec); / db.query( descriptors[i], ret, 4); // max result=4 / db.query( bowVec, ret, 4); // max result=4 cout<<"searching for image "<<i<<" returns "<<ret<<endl<<endl; } cout<<"done."<<endl;