gap-packages / AutoDoc

A GAP Package to produce documentation.
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Allow tweaking the order of chapters, sections and mansections #37

Open fingolfin opened 11 years ago

fingolfin commented 11 years ago

Right now, everything is output in the order we encounter it. This is sometimes annoying, but especially on the level of chapters. So we need to add a way that allows users to easily set the correct order.

Steve suggests the following: Provide a "skeleton file" which just lists the chapter labels (and possible more labels) in the order things should appear.

This is then parsed. If it mentions a chapter or section that contains no data, issue a warning (the user may have made a typo). If on the other hand something is missing from it, also issue a warning.

Finally, this could even allow inserting text and other stuff... I.e. it could basically use the same (or at least a similar) syntax as AutoDoc doc comments. Indeed, a very simple implementation for this could just be to tell users to add autodoc := rec( files := [ order_info.g ], ...) to their AutoDoc() invocation, and then put content like this into that file:

#! @Chapter First AutoDoc chapter
#! @Chapter Second AutoDoc chapter

Since scanning subdirs adds other files to the end of autodoc.files, it is ensured that this file is read first.

Anyway: The above is just one way to go about this. Others are conceivable, e.g. one could allow the user to add a numerical "priority" to each chapter declaration or so, and then we sort chapters by their "priority". But the skeleton approach sounds nicer to me.

sebasguts commented 11 years ago

The sceleton approach is a good idea. It allows, more than just order, a place to store some introductions to chapters and sections.

stevelinton commented 5 years ago

Did this ever get resolved? I'm using AutoDoc for the manual of the meataxe64 package, and I'd like to alter the chapter order.

sebasguts commented 5 years ago

The sceleton approach works, see for example

We could also in principle add optional numeric values to the chapters that can be used for ordering them.

stevelinton commented 5 years ago

Thanks. That looks fine.