gap> res:=RECOG.FindStdGensSmallerMatrices_SL(SL(50,5)); time;
Error, List Element: <list>[2] must have an assigned value in
for ele in eigenspaceGenerators[2] do
vec := zerovec;
for j in [ 1 .. Size( ele ) ] do
vec := vec + ele[j] * result[j];
Add( sl2eigenspacebase, vec );
od; at GAPROOT/pkg/recog/gap/projective/constructive_recognition/SL/ called from
RECOG.Computesl2Subspace( baselist, eigenspacelist
) at GAPROOT/pkg/recog/gap/projective/constructive_recognition/SL/ called from
RECOG.SLn_constructsl2WithSmallerMatrices( sld, d, q
) at GAPROOT/pkg/recog/gap/projective/constructive_recognition/SL/ called from
<function "unknown">( <arguments> )
called from read-eval loop at *stdin*:2
type 'quit;' to quit to outer loop
Sometimes this still runs into an error: