We need passive skill banks for some things. We should make it like the skill banks, where it's just the name of the passive underscored. So "Spinal Shock" becomes "spinal_shock.bnk"
Spinal Shock:
spinal_shock_recharge (when the cooldown is up)
Second Skin:
second_skin_recharge (when the cooldown is up)
Spirit of the Scorpadillo:
Automated Healing:
automated_healing_play (same as nurse goblin sound probably)
Life in Death:
life_in_death_play (same as automated healing probably. has same animation)
Lord Glockendaryl:
launch_key (this is for the glockenspiel armor passive where you shoot keys. Just use the glockenspiel key shooting sound)
Psychic Saws:
Rock Suit:
Spirit Omar:
omar_start (when he begins spinning and rotating around you)
We need passive skill banks for some things. We should make it like the skill banks, where it's just the name of the passive underscored. So "Spinal Shock" becomes "spinal_shock.bnk"
Spinal Shock:
Second Skin:
Spirit of the Scorpadillo:
Automated Healing:
Life in Death:
Lord Glockendaryl:
Psychic Saws:
Rock Suit:
Spirit Omar:
Spirit Shiv:
Grabby Fingers: