Open gap9269 opened 7 years ago
Events needed:
princess_strangle_start / _stop - gonna add the floppy choking sound here
princess_transform - btw phases 1 and 2, starts when you hit the button prompt
princess_orb_start / _stop - spot sound for the giant blue orb in phase 1
All good here. Just needs a minimal balance pass and it's perfect
You can put all of this into a single bank, since it's loaded in a single map.
Pre-Boss Scene
X princess_machine_on / _stop (when the laser activates.)
Phase One
X princess_projectile_spawn (loop until it begins moving?) X princess_projectile_start (when it begins moving. stop the _spawn loop here) X princess_crown_push X princess_crown_death X platform_raise_1 / _2 / _3 / _4 (The four times that rocks rise up to make steps) X princess_laser_strike (same as the coffin maybe?)
Phase Two
Note: The attack sounds start after the generic teleport animation, but all of the attacks also have a couple frames of their own teleport-entry animation. So the sounds begin earlier than you might expect. Each action sort of looks like this:
(Generic teleport_in) -> (Attack or wind-up sound starts / Couple animation frames of attack-specific teleport_in) -> (wind up) -> (Attack)
X princess_teleport_enter (Plays at the beginning of every action as she appears in a new place) X princess_teleport_out (Plays at the end of actions as she leaves) X princess_laugh_start / _stop (when she summons lasers n stuff. We have VO for this.)
X princess_dash_wind_up (pre-transformation) X princess_dash_start (should loop until the next events are called)
X princess_ax_attack_1 X princess_ax_attack_2 X princess_ax_attack_3
X princess_piano_wind_up (From the moment the generic teleport_in ends to the moment she transforms)
X princess_hammer_wind_up
Missile Summon
X princess_summon_start
X princess_kicked (as soon as the foot lands)
Post Boss Scene (MAKE THIS ONE A LOOSE OBJECT IN cutscenes.bnk)
X princess_human_teleport (starts on the first frame she glows blue)