gapophustu / 4D-Minesweeper

A 4D Minesweeper game written in godot
Mozilla Public License 2.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

Add question mark action #1

Open NumbuhFour opened 5 years ago

NumbuhFour commented 5 years ago

Middle click to place a '?' mark to mimic functionality of classic Minesweeper.

It replaces the "drag" action that was previously on middle click, but I couldn't discern what affect that really had, and I was trying to keep all actions within the buttons of a standard mouse without the need for a keyboard.

Really enjoy this game @gapophustu, thanks for making it 😄

Dieinbed commented 9 months ago

I hope that the rotation in x, y, z, w axis can be added in the game to have a better comprehend of the 4D abstract vector spaces.

Really enjoy this game @gapophustu, thanks for making it 😄