gapophustu / 4D-Minesweeper

A 4D Minesweeper game written in godot
Mozilla Public License 2.0
9 stars 5 forks source link

Upgrade to Godot v3.5.1, fixing performance issues #5

Closed Double-Jumper closed 1 year ago

Double-Jumper commented 1 year ago

Most of the files are junk from the importing. What took me some time fixing was in As of Godot v3.1, intersect_point() has 2 new parameters, bool collide_with_bodies=true, bool collide_with_areas=false. The latter now needs to be explicitly enabled for the Area2D collision to work. With this update I could observe a huge performance gain. Before, starting a 6x6x6x6 game would take up >90% GPU, now it takes <10%. This should alleviate some (justifiable) worries from Steam reviews that the game could have a crypto miner hidden.