garbagemule / MobArena

MobArena plugin for Minecraft
GNU General Public License v3.0
189 stars 150 forks source link

Make pets killable and allow starting xp option #767

Closed BlankRedemption closed 11 months ago

BlankRedemption commented 11 months ago

Feature request

  1. Perhaps allowing a toggle option for pets to be invincible would be a fun way to use upgrade/supply wave.
  2. Also, using a starting XP system would allow for an enchant room or plugins for custom enchants to be used sooner rather than later (I use Zenchantments).
  3. Furthermore, I was hoping to add in a boss spawnpoint
  4. Finally, adding a way to allow players to spawn mobs (iron golem, snow golem etc)

arenas: ARENA_NAME: settings: prefix: '' --invincible-pet: [true/false] DEFAULT IS TRUE-- world: WORLD-NAME enabled: true protect: true ... ...

arenas: ARENA_NAME: settings: prefix: '' --invincible-pet: [true/false] DEFAULT IS TRUE-- --starting-xp: [30,1395] (LEVEL,EXPERIENCE) (LEVEL OR EXPERIENCE WHICH EVER IS EASIER TO CODE) DEFAULT IS 0-- world: WORLD-NAME enabled: true protect: true ... ...

Making another item in the /MA SETUP [ARENA_NAME] to have a specific spot for spawning bosses

Unfortunately I can't explain or understand how this would be possible but building a golem or spawning one in via a command block would be a nice implementation. Making this per arena apposed to global allows for greater personalization for the user that shouldn't (in theory) affect other arenas

Additional info I have no idea how to code for java or what your files might look but i've been using your plugin on and off for i don't even know how long and always thought about this kind of stuff. Thank you for your time!

The only issue i see is skeletons dropping bones and giving a player 15 wolves a wave.

Nesseley commented 11 months ago

All of these should be reposted as it's own feature request :)

I also think boss spawnpoint is already suggested.