garbas / vim-snipmate

snipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
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Autocompletion/dropdown list for methods of a package with TAB? #257

Closed heoa closed 7 years ago

heoa commented 7 years ago

Suppose I load different packages and I would like to get their methods. I type Prime::TAB where I want to get a dropdown list about methods, preferrably with autocompletion support.

Is this functionality possible to be turnt on or possible to be added in Vim-snipmate or is this available in some other package?

ajzafar commented 7 years ago

It sounds like you would benefit from a completion plugin like YouCompleteMe. Those will at least complete method names.

SnipMate currently doesn't offer completion like that. I have some ideas about implementing a simpler way for snippets to be generated for methods, based on MarcWeber's work, but I haven't had the time to work on SnipMate in a while. Hopefully that'll change in the next few weeks.

heoa commented 7 years ago

I tested YCM but it conflicts with my existing packages so removed it. This may be worth next try, to avoid such conflicts,