garbear / xbmc

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Failed to Play Game #92

Closed zach-morris closed 6 years ago

zach-morris commented 6 years ago

Issue: Selecting any core (eg. 2048, DOSBOX, ScummVM, etc) in Games causes "Failed to Play Game" message

Version Tested:

09:46:32.481 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: Starting Kodi (18.0-ALPHA1 Git:20180215-276e1a4). Platform: OS X x86 64-bit
09:46:32.481 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: Using Debug Kodi x64 build
09:46:32.481 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: Kodi compiled Feb 15 2018 by Clang 9.0.0 (clang-900.0.37) for OS X x86 64-bit version 10.8.0 (1080)
09:46:32.481 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: Running on Apple Inc. MacBookPro12,1 with OS X 10.11.6, kernel: Darwin x86 64-bit version 15.6.0
09:46:32.481 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: FFmpeg version/source: 3.4.1-Kodi
09:46:32.482 T:140735305183232  NOTICE: Host CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5257U CPU @ 2.70GHz, 4 cores available


09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: ------------------------------------
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Loaded DLL for game.libretro.2048
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Client: 2048 at version 1.0.0
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Valid extensions:
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Supports VFS:                  yes
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Supports standalone execution: yes
09:44:57.868 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: ------------------------------------
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: RetroPlayer[AUDIO]: Initializing audio
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: RetroPlayer[VIDEO]: Initializing video
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Initializing render manager
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: RetroPlayer[INPUT]: Initializing input
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: PERIPHERALS: Event poll handle registered
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232    INFO: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Opening: game://game.libretro.2048/
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232 WARNING: CreateLoader - unsupported protocol(game) in game://game.libretro.2048/
09:44:57.869 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: ------ Window Init (DialogConfirm.xml) ------
garbear commented 6 years ago

I can't reproduce. When starting a core I see:

Debug Print: GAME: ------------------------------------
Debug Print: GAME: Loaded DLL for game.libretro.2048
Debug Print: GAME: Client: 2048 at version 1.0.0
Debug Print: GAME: Valid extensions:
Debug Print: GAME: Supports VFS:                  yes
Debug Print: GAME: Supports standalone execution: yes
Debug Print: GAME: ------------------------------------
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[AUDIO]: Initializing audio
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[VIDEO]: Initializing video
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Initializing render manager
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[INPUT]: Initializing input
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Opening standalone
Debug Print: GameClient: Loading game.libretro.2048 in standalone mode
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Libretro input bindings:
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: ------------------------------------------------------------
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_LEFT, Description: Left
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_UP, Description: Up
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_DOWN, Description: Down
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_RIGHT, Description: Right
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_START, Description: Start
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Port: 0, Device: RETRO_DEVICE_JOYPAD, Feature: RETRO_DEVICE_ID_JOYPAD_SELECT, Description: Pause
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: ------------------------------------------------------------
Debug Print: AddOnLog: 2048: Setting libretro pixel format "XRGB8888"
Debug Print: GAME: ---------------------------------------
Debug Print: GAME: Base Width:   376
Debug Print: GAME: Base Height:  464
Debug Print: GAME: Max Width:    376
Debug Print: GAME: Max Height:   464
Debug Print: GAME: Aspect Ratio: 1.000000
Debug Print: GAME: FPS:          60.000000
Debug Print: GAME: Sample Rate:  30000.000000
Debug Print: GAME: Region:       NTSC
Debug Print: GAME: ---------------------------------------
Debug Print: GAME: Correcting audio and video by 1.066667 to avoid resampling
Debug Print: GAME: Audio sample rate normalized to 32000
Debug Print: GAME: Video frame rate scaled to 64.000000
Debug Print: GAME: In-game saves (save ram) loaded from special://masterprofile/Savestates/InGameSaves/game.libretro.2048.sav
Debug Print: GAME: No in-game saves (rtc) to load
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Using game client game.libretro.2048
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[PLAYER]: Closing OSD via speed change (1.000000)
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[VIDEO]: Creating video stream - format 0RGB32, 376x464, 0 deg
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Configuring format 0RGB32, 376x464, 0 deg
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Renderer configured on first frame
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Creating renderer for OpenGL
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Configuring buffer pool
Debug Print: RetroPlayer[RENDER]: Creating render buffer for buffer pool
Debug Print: Previous line repeats 1 times.
zach-morris commented 6 years ago

OK. A little more testing. I could get 2048 to work if I navigate to: Addons>My Addons>Game Addons>2048>Settings Window>Run Or Home screen>Widget>2048

15:01:09.447 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: AddOnLog: 2048: ------------------------------------------------------------
15:01:09.447 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: AddOnLog: 2048: Setting libretro pixel format "XRGB8888"
15:01:09.447 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: ---------------------------------------
15:01:09.447 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Base Width:   376
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Base Height:  464
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Max Width:    376
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Max Height:   464
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Aspect Ratio: 1.000000
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: FPS:          60.000000
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Sample Rate:  30000.000000
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: Region:       NTSC
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232    INFO: GAME: ---------------------------------------
15:01:09.448 T:140735305183232   DEBUG: GAME: Correcting audio and video by 1.066667 to avoid resampling

But if I navigate into Home Screen>Games>Game Addons>2048 It will fail with same log as initial post.

garbear commented 6 years ago

Fixed by

garbear commented 6 years ago

merged can you test? no rush

zach-morris commented 6 years ago

Confirmed fixed