garden / tree

A multiplayer file system
European Union Public License 1.2
70 stars 23 forks source link

gzip weirdness #107

Closed jankeromnes closed 12 years ago

jankeromnes commented 12 years ago

The camp server should gzip all the files, right? Here is an audit of /:

Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their transfer size by about two thirds (~30.39KB):
  http://localhost/ could save ~2.24KB
  common.css could save ~7.13KB
  gateway.css could save ~525B
  scout.js could save ~14.52KB
  gateway.js could save ~5.98KB
jankeromnes commented 12 years ago

Audit for /humans.txt:

Compressing the following resources with gzip could reduce their transfer size by about two thirds (~249.48KB):
  humans.txt could save ~4.05KB
  codemirror2012-04-15.css could save ~10.47KB
  common.css could save ~7.13KB
  pencil.css could save ~545B could save ~46.96KB
  codemirror2012-04-15.js could save ~153.45KB
  scout.js could save ~14.52KB
  ot-min.js could save ~11.14KB
  pencil.js could save ~1.24KB
jankeromnes commented 12 years ago

Or the Audit panel in Chrome's devtools is seriously broken, Network shows gzip headers and webpage speed metrics seem ok too. @espadrine can you investigate on your side? is the only certainly uncompressed file, should send it minified, gzipped and with proper caching info.

jankeromnes commented 12 years ago

Gzip bug reported in WebKit, and compression solved by e0c2db5e92515031dd0479d3b579abefd05ca63e. Closing this issue.