garden / tree

A multiplayer file system
European Union Public License 1.2
70 stars 23 forks source link

Upstream update #179

Closed espadrine closed 11 years ago

espadrine commented 11 years ago

Includes a change in Camp which allows certain unicode paths to fly.

jankeromnes commented 11 years ago

Thanks! I just have an issue: I tried to create a folder called くらす, and then tried to create a file called test. The folder was created, but the file was not. Here is the server log:

creating dir /くらす
plug gateway.html < くらす/
creating undefined /くらす/test
jankeromnes commented 11 years ago
creating dir /笑嘻嘻
plug gateway.html < 笑嘻嘻/
creating undefined /笑嘻嘻/test