gardener-community / cloudprofiles

A public collection of gardener cloudprofiles
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automatic cloudprofile management #2

Closed JensAc closed 1 year ago

JensAc commented 1 year ago

Each cloudprofile is a 5-tuple consisting of the supported:

  1. k8s-versions
  2. machine-types (flavors)
  3. volume-types
  4. os-images
  5. regions

1. K8s-versions

The upstream versions can be found here:

Restrictions to these versions come from:

a) The gardener version b) extensions (provider, os, network)? c) OS-image?

2. Machine-types

The list of available machine-types is cloud-specific. Maybe steampipe ( can be a helper to acquire information in a uniform way.

Restrictions: some machine types may not be available in some zones of some regions

3. volume-types

The list of available volume-types is cloud-specific. Maybe steampipe ( can be a helper to acquire information in a uniform way.

4. os-images

The list of available os-images is cloud-specific. Maybe steampipe ( can be a helper to acquire information in a uniform way.


5. regions

The list of available regions is cloud-specific. Maybe steampipe ( can be a helper to acquire information in a uniform way.

j2L4e commented 1 year ago

Some steampipe fiddling with hcloud plugin:

with dc as (select                                               as location,
                   l.network_zone                                       as zone,
                                                       as datacenter,
                   jsonb_array_elements(dc.server_types_available)::int as server_type_id
            from hcloud_datacenter dc
                     join hcloud_location l on dc.location_id =

select st.description, st.cores, st.disk, st.memory, zone, location, datacenter
from dc
         join hcloud_server_type st on = dc.server_type_id
where cpu_type = 'shared'
  and zone = 'eu-central';
|description|cores|disk|memory|zone      |location|datacenter|
|CX11       |1    |20  |2     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CX11       |1    |20  |2     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CX11       |1    |20  |2     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CX21       |2    |40  |4     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CX21       |2    |40  |4     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CX21       |2    |40  |4     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CX31       |2    |80  |8     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CX31       |2    |80  |8     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CX31       |2    |80  |8     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CX41       |4    |160 |16    |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CX41       |4    |160 |16    |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CX41       |4    |160 |16    |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CX51       |8    |240 |32    |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CX51       |8    |240 |32    |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CX51       |8    |240 |32    |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CPX 11     |2    |40  |2     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CPX 11     |2    |40  |2     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CPX 11     |2    |40  |2     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CPX 21     |3    |80  |4     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CPX 21     |3    |80  |4     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CPX 21     |3    |80  |4     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CPX 31     |4    |160 |8     |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CPX 31     |4    |160 |8     |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CPX 31     |4    |160 |8     |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CPX 41     |8    |240 |16    |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CPX 41     |8    |240 |16    |eu-central|nbg1    |nbg1-dc3  |
|CPX 41     |8    |240 |16    |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
|CPX 51     |16   |360 |32    |eu-central|fsn1    |fsn1-dc14 |
|CPX 51     |16   |360 |32    |eu-central|hel1    |hel1-dc2  |
lotharbach commented 1 year ago

Wishes from devboard to complete this card: