Closed gardener-robot-ci-2 closed 1 year ago
operator #125 @voelzmo
Fixed a bug that caused HVPA reconciliation to fail with expected pointer, but got v2beta1.MetricSpec type
when the HPA spec had changed.
```other operator #8081 @nickytd
Plutono is now updated to v7.5.22
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.9.0`.
Two additional labels `` and `` are attached to worker nodes to identify which operating system they are running. This can then be used in selectors that target only workers with a specific operating system and is helpful for e.g. driver deployment.
A bug causing `EtcdCopyBackupsTask` jobs to fail to create temp snapshot directory while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image `v0.25.x` has been resolved.
The field `.spec.secretRef` in the `Seed` API has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release of Gardener.
Use cgroupv2 fix for local-setup on macOS too.
While scaling up a non-HA etcd cluster to HA skipping the scale-up checks for first member of etcd cluster as first member can never be a part of scale-up scenarios.
Extensions running on seed clusters can get access to the garden cluster by using the injected kubeconfig specified by the `GARDEN_KUBECONFIG` environment variable. You can read about the details in this [doc](
The `` and `` annotations are now deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use `<pod-label-selector>-allowed-ports=<ports>` instead.
When Seed's `spec.settings.ownerChecks.enabled=false` gardenlet is now able to delete the owner DNSRecord for a Shoot stuck in deletion where the kube-apiserver Deployment is missing but the Infrastructure is present and cannot be deleted for some reason (infrastructure dependency, invalid credentials).
Operators can now use the annotation `` on the `garden` resource to rotate the observability credentials.
The following dependencies are updated:
- `*` : `v0.26.4` -> `v0.27.5`
- ``: `v0.14.6` -> `v0.15.2`
A bug has been fixed that prevented users without permissions to list `CustomResourceDefinition`s from interacting with the Gardener APIs when using a `kubectl` version lower than `1.27`.
Decouple progess update of gardener operator from task flow logic and thereby prevent concurrency bugs.
A bug has been fixed which was causing the garbage collector in `gardener-resource-manager` to wrongfully collect `Secret`s related to `ManagedResource`s when the source and the target cluster are equal.
Operators can now view and manage dashboards for compaction jobs running in shoot control plane.
The `FullNetworkPoliciesInRuntimeCluster` feature gate has been promoted to beta and is now turned on by default. Before deploying this Gardener version, make sure that all your registered extensions support this feature gate.
Update alpine base image version to 3.18.4.
Go version is updated to 1.20.6.
Added new option to `./hack/` script `[-e, --pod-security-enforce[=pod-security-standard]` which sets the `` annotation of the generated `ControllerRegistration`. When not set this option defaults to `baseline`.
Update Kubernetes dependencies (especially ``) from `v0.26.3` to `v0.26.4` to resolve panic on working with special shoots.
Extensions that wish to be scraped by the `seed-prometheus` must annotate their pods with `` along with `<name>`. See for more details.
Removed ` nlb` annotation from istio-ingressgateway service template. Set this annotation in seed configuration. Note: Changing load balancer type creates a new one, old one requires manual clean-up.
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.9.1`.
In order to allow `kube-apiserver` pods of shoot or garden clusters to reach webhook servers, they must no longer be explicitly labeled with `<service-name>-<protocol>-<port>=allowed`. Instead, it is enough to annotate the `Service` of the webhook server with `<ports>`.
Bump alpine base image from `1.16.3` to `1.16.5`
Eliminated `Role` helm charts and converted into Golang component with added unit tests.
The `DisableScalingClassesForShoots` feature gates has been promoted to GA (and is now always enabled).
`gardener-operator` now takes over management of `plutono`.
Grafana and Loki are replaced with the fork of their last Apache 2.0 licensed releases: Plutono and Vali, that will continue to receive security updates.
Updated kubernetes dependencies from `1.25.0` to `1.26.2`
Bumped up the custom image version to v3.4.13-bootstrap-11
`gardener-operator` now deploys `Istio` components into the garden runtime cluster.
⚠️ The deprecated field `.spec.settings.ownerChecks` has been removed from the Seed API. Please check your `Seed`s and remove any usage before upgrading to this Gardener version.
Fixed a possibility for the `migrate` phase of control plane migration to become permanently stuck if the shoot was created when the `MachineControllerManagerDeployment` feature gate is disabled, control plane migration is triggered for the shoot and the feature gate is enabled during the migration phase.
Several default settings of Kubernetes feature gates have been corrected.
The `.spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.serviceAccountConfig.acceptedIssuers` field of the `Shoot` spec no longer allows duplicate values.
The deprecated `ChartRenderer.Render` and `ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete}` methods have been dropped. Use `ChartRendere.RenderEmbeddedFS` and `ChartApplier.{Apply,Delete}FromEmbeddedFS` instead.
The following images are updated:
- v0.6.3 -> v0.6.4
- v1.8.8 -> v1.8.9
- v1.10.0 -> v1.10.1
- v0.23.0 -> v0.24.0
- v1.5.0 -> v1.6.1
- v7.5.22 -> v7.5.23
- v0.61.1 -> v0.67.1
- 1.22.20 -> 1.22.23
A guideline for developers regarding [`TODO` statements]( has been introduced.
When scaling from single-node to multi-node etcd cluster, Etcd Druid will now first ensure that any change to the peer URL (e.g TLS enablement) is seen by the existing etcd process running within the etcd member pod. Once that is confirmed then it will scale up the Etcd StatefulSet and add relevant annotations.
An issue has been fixed which caused CoreDNS to not rewrite CNAME values in DNS answers.
Before upgrading to this Gardener versions, you must make sure that the `Service`s of all registered provider extensions serving webhooks for the shoot cluster are annotated with `[{"protocol":"TCP","port":<port>}]`, `[{"matchLabels":{"":"shoot"}}]`, and ``.
A bug has been fixed for Istio-Ingress Gateways for seeds that use `ExposureClassHandler`s. Earlier, annotations in `seed.spec.settings.loadBalancerServices` caused an override of the ones specified in `gardenletConfiguration.exposureClassHandler[].loadBalancerService` for zonal Istios. Now, annotations in `gardenletConfiguration.exposureClassHandler[].loadBalancerService` are given priority, like it was already the case of the global Istio.
Go version is updated to 1.20.4.
Change `log` mount path of `node-problem-detector` from `/var/log` to `/var/log/journal`.
The `WorkerlessShoots` feature gate has been promoted to beta and is now turned on by default. Before deploying this Gardener version, make sure that all your registered extensions support this feature gate.
Improves testing flakiness of logging testmachinery test by making the loki init-container reliable.
Alpine image used in init containers is now part of the IMAGEVECTOR_OVERWRITE
gardener-apiserver: The kubelet version constraint validation is now fixed to also cover the Shoot K8s version update. Previously it was possible to update the Shoot K8s version to a new minor version when the Shoot has a worker pool with machine image version which kubeletVersionConstraint does not match the new K8s version.
The `fluent-bit-vali-plugin` now supports fluent-bit v2.1.0 and above.
`gardener-operator` is now managing the `nginx-ingress-controller` and `nginx-ingress-k8s-backend` components. Make sure that your `Garden` resource specifies the [`.spec.runtimeCluster.ingress` section](
The `core/v1alpha1` API version is dropped. Make sure that you don't use the `core/v1alpha1` API version in your machinery.
The regression is now fixed and the control plane logs shall be visible in the Plutono dashboards.
Update local-setup to `kind@v0.18.0`.
Eliminated `RoleBinding` helm charts and converted into Golang component with added unit tests.
`gardener-operator` configures SNI components in order to expose the `virtual-garden-kube-apiserver` via the `istio-ingressgateway` in the Garden cluster.
With this change, operators can start to switch DNS records from the `virtual-garden-kube-apiserver` service to the `istio-ingress` service endpoint. The type of the `virtual-garden-kube-apiserver` service will soon be switched from `LoadBalancer` to `ClusterIP`.
Add a learner with backoff in case of scale-up feature is triggered.
The `pkg/utils/gardener.IntStrPtrFromInt` function has been renamed to `IntStrPtrFromInt32` since `intstr.FromInt` is deprecated.
Revendors the bbolt from `v1.3.6` to `v1.3.7`
Annotation `` is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Use field `.spec.systemComponents.nodeLocalDNS.enabled` in `Shoot` instead. Switching on node-local-dns via shoot specification will roll the nodes even if node-local-dns was enabled beforehand via annotation.
Fix network annotations to allow fluent-bit connecting to shoot Valis.
A bug that prevented finalizers from being added to referenced `Secret`s or `ConfigMap`s in `.spec.resources` in `Shoot`s has been fixed.
`nginx-ingress-controller-seed` image is updated to `v1.7.1` for `1.24.x+` seeds.
`pkg/utils/chart` does now support embedded charts. The already deprecated methods in the `ChartApplier` and `ChartRenderer` will be removed in a few releases, so extensions should adapt to embedded charts.
Bump g/g version to remove stale client-go dependency
Updated golang container image build version to 1.20.4
Prevent nil pointer exceptions on shoot deletion in `gardenlet` when seed namespace is gone.
The `register-kind2-env` and `tear-down-kind2-env` will no longer try to deploy and delete the `seed-local` `Secret`. This fixes an issue where `tear-down-kind2-env` would hang as it deletes and then waits for the `seed-local` `Secret` to be deleted which can not happen as long as the `local` `Seed` which uses it still exists.
During the `Migrate` phase of a control plane migration of a `Shoot`, the state is now only persisted after all extension resources have been migrated. Consequently, make sure that you have added all state to the `.status.state` field of the respective extension object when running `Migrate()`.
Allow the kubelet configuration to define swap behaviour {LimitedSwap / UnlimitedSwap} for k8s >= 1.22
The static token kubeconfig can no longer be enabled for Shoot clusters using Kubernetes version `1.27` and higher.
`gardenlet` will no longer respect `ConfigMap`s labeled with ``. The way to deploy a new filter or parser configuration is to create `ClusterFilter`s or `ClusterParser`s custom resources in the seed cluster.
Deprecated annotation `` is removed. Use field `.spec.systemComponents.nodeLocalDNS.enabled` in `Shoot` instead. Switching on node-local-dns via shoot specification will roll the nodes even if node-local-dns was enabled beforehand via annotation.
An issue causing panic in the health check for extension, when the health check result is empty, is fixed.
The `MachineControllerManagerDeployment` has been promoted to beta and is now enabled by default. Make sure that all registered provider extensions support this feature gate before upgrading to this version of Gardener.
Following dependencies are updated:
Go - 1.20.3
client-go - v0.26.2
controller-runtime - v0.14.5
gomega - v1.27.1
zap - v1.24.0
gardener/gardener v1.69.0
k8s (api and apimachinery) - v0.26.2
A bug causing the managedseed controller to error if the controller restarts and the seed secret is already deleted is now fixed.
A bug has been fixed which prevented components using the `` annotation from being reached from internal IP addresses when the cluster was using Cilium as CNI.
Add CVE categorization for etcd-backup-restore.
Remove lastOperation check in fluent-bit-to-vali plugin.
Update etcd-custom-image to `v3.4.26-2`.
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.8.1` for Kubernetes`v1.24+` clusters.
The `gardenlet`'s `ManagedSeed` controller now cleans up the referred seed secret when `.spec.secretRef` is unset in the seed template.
The GA-ed feature gates `HAControlPlanes` and `FullNetworkPoliciesInRuntimeCluster` have been removed.
etcd-custom-image updates from `v3.4.13-bootstrap-9` to `v3.4.13-bootstrap-10`
A bug where MCM removed a machine other than the one , CA wanted , is resolved.
The `kube-apiserver` no longer mounts root CA bundles from the underlying host.
Deprecated annotation `{cluster-dns, upstream-dns}` is removed. Use field `.spec.systemComponents.nodeLocalDNS.{forceTCPToClusterDNS, forceTCPToUpstreamDNS}` in `Shoot` instead.
Introduce flag `metrics-scrape-wait-duration` to `etcdbrctl compact` command, that specifies a wait duration at the end of a snapshot compaction, to allow Prometheus to scrape metrics related to compaction before the `etcdbrctl` process exits.
The local deployment of Gardener is extended so that it is now possible to create a second single zone HA `Seed`. This `Seed` can be used to test the control plane migration scenario for HA `Shoot`s. Additionally, make targets were added to trigger the control plane migration integration test with HA `Shoot`s: `test-e2e-local-migration-ha-single-zone` to test the migration locally, and `ci-e2e-kind-migration-ha-single-zone` mainly intended to be used in Gardener prow jobs.
Print build version and go runtime info.
Deactivate leader election, health and readiness checks when running `make *-debug.`
The `terraformer` library will now skip deletion of the Terraformer pod when the request context has been canceled. This change aims to prevent inconsistencies in Terraform state by attempting to allow uninterrupted execution of healthy Terraformer pods.
Use admission v1 instead of v1beta1 for apiserver-proxy webhook.
status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error
Go version is updated to 1.20.5.
When performing control plane migration with `provider-local`, the full migration and restoration logic implemented in the extensions library (generic `Worker` actuator) is now executed (previously, it was skipped). This improves the accuracy of the e2e tests for control plane migration.
Now git revision and commit ids are properly propagated through build variables. These are showed in the fluent-bit plugin logs during start.
The `DisablingScalingClassesForShoots` feature gate has been promoted to beta.
`gardener-operator` now runs a new controller which protects `Secret`s and `ConfigMap`s with a finalizer in case they are referenced in `Garden` resources.
The `gardener-scheduler` now populates scheduling failure reasons to the `Shoot`'s `.status.lastOperation.description` field.
The `Worker` state reconciler has been dropped, i.e., updated provider extensions will no longer populate the machine state to the `.status.state` field of `Worker` resources. For a few releases, `gardenlet` will no longer persist any still existing data in the `.status.state` field of `Worker` resources during a control plane migration of a `Shoot`, and it will set `.status.state` to `nil` after a successful reconciliation or restore operation.
An optional field `workerlessSupported` is added under `spec.resources` in the `ControllerRegistration` API.
Shoot fields `.spec.dns.providers[].domains` and `.spec.dns.providers[].zones` are now deprecated and expected to be removed in version `v1.87`. Please use the extensions' configuration to configure providers with this ability.
`maxSurge` for `kube-apiserver` and `gardener-apiserver` of the virtual garden cluster is set to `100%`.
Backupbucket/backupentry controllers: watch secret metadata only
Stability of the ssh tunnel in the local extension setup should improve due to better failure handling.
⚠️ Seeds' `.spec.settings.ownerChecks.enabled` field is locked to `false` (i.e. if the field value is true a validation error will be returned). Before updating to this version of Gardener, set `.spec.settings.ownerChecks.enabled` field to `false` for you Seeds and ManagedSeeds.
Bump builder image golang from `1.19.5` to `1.20.2`
The `pkg/utils/secrets` package now signs certificates with 3072 bit RSA keys.
The promoted or deprecated feature gates `ManagedIstio` and `ReversedVPN` have been removed. Remove these feature gates before updating to this version of Gardener.
The garbage collection controller now also considers managed resources when deciding if secrets/configmaps should be garbage collected.
Configure the value for the flag `metrics-scrape-wait-duration` for compaction controller to set a wait duration at the end of every compaction job, to allow for metrics to be scraped by a Prometheus instance.
`UseEtcdWrapper` feature gate has been introduced to allow users to opt for the new [etcd-wrapper]( image.
The `lastUpdateTime` of extension conditions is no longer considered. Ensure that all registered extensions populate the `lastHeartbeatTime` field instead.
Shoot addon `nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.3.0` for `v1.22+` shoots.
The deprecated feature gate `APIServerSNI` has been removed.
Add an alert for VPNHAShootNoPods when shoot in HA (high availability) mode.
Vali is now updated to version v2.2.6
`gardener-resource-manager`'s `system-components-config` webhook no longer adds the toleration for the `ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler` taint to system components in shoot clusters. The `ToBeDeletedByClusterAutoscaler` taint is maintained by the `cluster-autoscaler`. This was breaking `cluster-autoscaler`'s drain mechanism when scaling down an under-utilized node. It was causing just evicted system components from to be deleted node to be scheduled again on the to be deleted node.
Upgraded `etcd-backup-restore` from `v0.24.3` to `v0.24.6` for `etcd-custom-image`, and from `v0.25.1` to `v0.26.0` for `etcd-wrapper`
The testmachinery tests now use `AdminKubeconfig` of the `Shoot`s of `ManagedSeed`s to create seed client.
The worker count for the [NetworkPolicy controller]( in GRM was increased to `20`. This is necessary to create and update `NetworkPolicies` in time, esp. on larger seed clusters.
A bug has been fixed that prevented `ControllerInstallation`s from getting deleted when the backing `ControllerRegistration` with `.spec.deployment.policy={Always,AlwaysExceptNoShoots}` was deleted.
Update golang 1.20.4 -> 1.21.3
Prometheus scrape job configs for targets in the shoot cluster have been improved.
A bug has been fixed which could cause `kube-proxy`s from being missing after a `Shoot` has been woken up from hibernation.
An issue causing the `etcd-backup` Secret to be wrongly deleted for a Shoot cluster due to stale BackupEntry deletion from a previous Shoot creation with the same name is now fixed.
When `Shoot`s were updated from non high-availability to `zone` high-availability, it could happen that the control-plane was scheduled to two instead of three zones. This issue is relevant for cloud providers with an inconsistent zone naming (`Azure` is currently the only candidate to our knowledge).
Existing shoots with the before mentioned problem must be fixed manually be operators if required. An automatic move of `etcd`s and their volumes is not part of this fix due to availability reasons.
All components in the gardener logging stack are now updated to the following respective versions. Fluent-bit to 2.1.4, Fluent-operator to 2.3.0 and logging to 0.55.3
For Shoot clusters using Kubernetes version `1.27` and higher, the `.spec.kubernetes.kubeControllerManager.podEvictionTimeout` field has no effect anymore since the backing `--pod-eviction-timeout` CLI flag has been removed.
Annotation `{cluster-dns, upstream-dns}` is deprecated and will be removed in future releases. Use field `.spec.systemComponents.nodeLocalDNS.{forceTCPToClusterDNS, forceTCPToUpstreamDNS}` in `Shoot` instead.
Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to `ReadOnlyFileSystem` and `NotReady` for too long
Add CVE categorization for etcd-druid.
`Secret`s/`ConfigMap`s referenced in `.spec.resources` of `Shoot`s are now protected with a finalizer to ensure they do not disappear from the system as long as they are still referenced somewhere.
A new field `` was added to the `Garden` API. This field allows to expose the `kube-apiserver` of the virtual cluster via multiple domains. Earlier, the API only accepted one domain name via `.spec.virtualCluster.dns.domain`.
⚠️ With this change `.spec.virtualCluster.dns.domain` is deprecated and will be removed in the next release. Please update your `Garden` resource to the new `` field by removing the existing domain configuration from `dns.domain` and add it as the first entry of ``.
Updated to go v1.20.5
unit tests framework introduced to test implemented methods of `Cloudprovider` and `Nodegroup` interface
When the `ShootForceDeletion` featuregate in the apiserver is turned on, users will be able to force-delete the Shoot. You **MUST** ensure that all the resources created in the IaaS account are cleaned up to prevent orphaned resources. Gardener will **NOT** delete any resources in the Shoot cloud-provider account. See [Shoot Force Deletion]( for more details.
Usage of the deprecated injection mechanisms in controller-runtime (like `InjectScheme`, `InjectLogger`, `InjectConfig`, `InjectClient`, `InjectCache` etc) as well as package `extensions/pkg/controller/common` are dropped in a preparation to upgrade to the next version where injection is removed entirely. With this, `Inject*` functions on controllers, predicates, actuators, delegates, and friends are not called anymore. When upgrading the `gardener/gardener` dependency to this version, all injection implementations need to be removed. As a replacement, you can get the needed clients and similar from the manager during initialisation of the component.
The `--node-monitor-grace-period` flag of `kube-controller-manager` is now defaulted to `40s` for Shoot clusters using Kubernetes version `1.27` and higher.
The kind clusters are now unified to use `` DNS name in the containerd config when configuring registry mirror hostnames. Previously, to access the pull through registry cache some kind clusters were configured to use ``, others - the Node name of the control plane Node.
As of Kubernetes `v1.27`, Gardener enforces a `worker.maximum` configuration for system component worker pools. The value must be greater or equal to the number of zones configured for this pool. This ensures, that the pool has the minimum required nodes to schedule system component across nodes.
On deletion, the generic `ControlPlane` actuator will now redeploy the cloud config chart to allow provider extensions update the content with the most up-to-date information.
⚠️ Gardener does no longer support garden, seed, or shoot clusters with Kubernetes versions < 1.24. Make sure to upgrade all existing clusters before upgrading to this Gardener version.
File ownership for `var/etcd/data` will be changed to non-root user (65532).
The `node-local-dns` `ConfigMap` now has a label `k8s-app=node-local-dns` for identifying it.
Updated cluster-proportional-autoscaler to v1.8.8
The logging components: vali and valitail are now updated to v2.2.8.
The deprecated `identity` value is no longer passed when `ControllerInstallation` Helm charts are deployed.
Remove unneeded Monitor function from iptables implementation
Added an example for `AdminKubeconfigRequest` via the Python Kubernetes client.
The deprecated `allow-{to,from}-shoot-apiserver` `NetworkPolicy`s have been dropped. Ensure that all registered extensions have been adapted.
The following images are updated:
- ``: `v2.5.0` -> `v2.8.2`
The `shoots/adminkubeconfig` relies on the `ca-client` `InternalSecret` only and does not use the `ShootState` object anymore.
Update to golang v1.21
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.9.3`.
Package `pkg/utils/managedresources` now works with immutable secrets for managed resources under the hood. Existing secrets will be marked for garbage collection and replaced with immutable ones during the first reconciliation of the managed resource.
Gardener base image is updated to ``.
Following dependency has been updated:-
- v0.18.1 -> v0.18.4
`uncachedObjects` under pkg/client/kubernetes/options.go is now removed from Config struct which is used to set options for new ClientSets. Now the uncached objects can be directly set under `clientOptions.Cache.DisableFor` field.
The `{,}.SeedSettingOwnerChecksEnabled` will now return `false` if the corresponding Seed setting is `nil`. Previously, the func was returning `true` when the Seed setting is `nil`.
Update golang 1.19.5 -> 1.20.4
Adding Gardener-managed finalizers (e.g., `gardener` or ``) to the `Shoot` on creation is now forbidden.
Added pod security enforce level `baseline` label to Istio-related namespaces. The `garden` and shoot namespaces have the `privileged` level. For extension namespaces, the new `` annotation on `ControllerRegistration` resources specifies the level. When set, the `extension` namespace is created with `` label set to ``'s value.
HVPA supports k8s versions >= 1.25 by switching to `` when necessary for all API calls.
Machine scale-up delay for new pods can now be configured for `cluster-autoscaler` via the field `.spec.kubernetes.clusterAutoscaler.newPodScaleupDelay` in the `Shoot` API .
Block public access for S3 buckets created by e2e tests.
`Shoot`s allow to optionally configure a specific scheduler via `.spec.schedulerName`. The `default-scheduler` is used in case non is configured. Please note, that `Shoot`s will remain `Pending` in case a scheduler name is configured but an adequate scheduler is not available in the landscape.
To support workerless Shoots, extensions reconciling `` resources need to make adaptions if needed and then set `spec.resources[].workerlessSupported` to `true` in the `ControllerRegistration` for their respective extension type.
A regression was fixed that prevented deletions for shoot clusters which were created with a wrong configuration (e.g. with an unavailable domain name).
Gardener autoscaler now backs-off early from a node-group (i.e. machinedeployment) in case of `ResourceExhausted` error. Refer docs at `` for details.
Update golang 1.19.5 -> 1.20.4
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.9.4`.
The [`highavailabilityconfig` webhook]( configures topology spread constraints with `minDomains=<number-of- zones>`. This configuration only takes effect for clusters which enabled feature gate `MinDomainsInPodTopologySpread` (default as of Kubernetes `v1.27`). Please note, this configuration will require at least one worker node per registered availability zone so that Kubernetes can spread the respective seed, shoot and control-plane pods across zones.
`gardener-operator` now renews garden access secrets and the gardenlet kubeconfig on all `Seed`s during CA/service account signing key credentials rotation.
When deploying this version of `gardener-operator`, make sure that you update your `Garden` resources with the new `.spec.virtualCluster.gardener.clusterIdentity` field. If you already have a `gardener-apiserver` deployment, make sure that the value matches the `--cluster-identity` flag of the current `gardener-apiserver` deployment.
New metrics introduced:
- api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
- driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
- driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code.
An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed
Etcd-druid will now deploy distroless `etcd-wrapper` and `etcd-backup-restore` images. Please refer to [etcd-wrapper]( for more information.
A bug that prevented referencing `ConfigMap`s in `.spec.resources` in `Shoot`s has been fixed.
Webhooks remediator sets the timeoutSeonds to 3 seconds for webhook affecting lease resources in `kube-system` namespace only if there is no objectSelector provided in webhook.
The following mapper funcs from the extension library no longer accept a `context.Context` arg - `ClusterToContainerResourceMapper`, `ClusterToControlPlaneMapper`, `ClusterToDNSRecordMapper`, `ClusterToExtensionMapper`, `ClusterToInfrastructureMapper`, `ClusterToNetworkMapper`, `ClusterToWorkerMapper` and `ClusterToObjectMapper`. The `context.Context` arg was redundant and not used.
Provider extensions should be adapted such that they only inject their provider-specific `machine-controller-manager` sidecar container into the `machine-controller-manager` deployment instead of managing the full deployment themselves. In the future, `gardenlet` will take over managing it. Please see for an example how `provider-local` was adapted and replicate it for your provider extensions.
Custodian controller no longer watches leases owned by the etcd resources, thus reducing frequency of etcd status updates and now honouring `custodian-sync-period` value.
Prevent fluent-bit-to-vali plugin panic when Cluster is updated and its Shoot has no lastOperation set
A new controller in `gardenlet` for periodically backing up the `ShootState` for `Shoot`s has been introduced. This controller is only activated when `gardenlet` is responsible for an unmanaged `Seed` (i.e., one not backed by a `ManagedSeed` object). By default, backups are taken roughly each `6h`.
A bug is fixed that prevented scraping the metrics of etcd in the shoot control plane.
Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore, non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets.
It is now possible to specify custom linux kernel settings per worker pool for `Shoot`s via `.spec.provider.workers[].sysctls`, which may override Gardener default values.
A `` script which can be used to generate an admin kubeconfig for a local shoot cluster was added in the `hack/usage` directory.
@gardener-robot-ci-2 Thank you for your contribution.
Release Notes: