gardener / garden-setup

Describes Gardener components for installation of a Gardener landscape using sow
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[>v1.41.0] #1274

Open gardener-robot-ci-3 opened 9 months ago

gardener-robot-ci-3 commented 9 months ago

Release Notes:

3072 bit RSA keys are now used in order to generate TLS certificates.
Infoblox provider: support for extensible attributes
Bumps golang from 1.21.4 to 1.21.5.
An issue was fixed that caused shoot clusters with a `shoot-dns-service` extension configuration not to be validated during creation. Potential validation errors only happened later and remained unnoticed, e.g. when update requests from Gardenlet were denied and shoot reconciliation got stuck.
`extension-shoot-dns-service` no longer supports Shoots with Кubernetes version < 1.24.
Fix reading IPv6 records for azure-dns and azure-private-dns providers.
Additional AWS regions `ap-southeast-4` and `il-central-1` with canonical hosted zones for ELBs
Bumps golang from 1.21.0 to 1.21.1.
Validate provider domain includes and excludes for forbidden wildcard domains.
Creating a `DNSEntry` for the base domain of a hosted zone is now allowed for all providers but `azure-dns` and `azure-private-dns`.
Bumps []( from 1.80.1 to 1.82.1.
Bumps golang from 1.21.2 to 1.21.3.
Bump from 1.82.1 to 1.83.0.
The `CustomResourceDefinition`s deployed to shoot clusters are now annotated with `` to prevent `gardener-resource-manager` from recreating them too fast during shoot deletion.
Add copy of images.yaml to charts dir to resolve installation issue for landscapes using RBSC
Update AWS canonical hosted zones from repository.
The following dependency is updated:
- v1.77.0-> v1.80.1
-* : v0.26.3 -> v0.28.2
- v0.14.6-> v0.16.2
Bumps golang from 1.21.1 to 1.21.2.
Bump from 1.83.0 to 1.84.0.
The `rfc2136` provider for authorive DNS servers supporting DNS Update [RFC2136]( has been added.
Update k8s dependencies by updating controller-manager-library
Bumps golang from 1.20.7 to 1.21.1.
Bump from 1.84.0 to 1.84.1.
`shoot-dns-service` extension now supports [Shoot Force Deletion]( 
`NS` records are not retrieved anymore for all accessible hosted zones to avoid reading all DNS record sets of all hosted zones periodically independently if they are used. Only hosted zones with active `DNSProviders` are synched, but without caring about consequences of `NS` records for subdomains. If there are many large hosted zones accessible for given credentials and there are only  `DNSProviders` using a few of these zones (either by domain or zone include), the period synchronisation of the zone state for all other hosted zones is avoided. This can result in a significant reduction of requests to the provider backend. As a downside of this change, applying a `DNSEntry` for a forwarded subdomain now results in a DNS record set in the parent hosted zone, if the real hosted zone is unknown to the controller. Formerly, applying such a `DNSEnty` resulted in an error state. 
No action is necessary from the users, this is only a "heads up" for the changed behaviour if `NS` records are used for subdomains.
CA and server certificates for the admission component are managed automatically. Passing custom certificates via Helm values is not supported anymore.
The `CustomResourceDefinition`s deployed to shoot clusters are now labelled with `` to prevent `gardenlet` to deleting them during shoot deletion.
Bump from 1.84.1 to 1.85.0.
Bumps golang from 1.21.3 to 1.21.4.
gardener-robot commented 9 months ago

@gardener-robot-ci-3 Thank you for your contribution.