Closed gardener-robot-ci-1 closed 11 months ago
The extensionswebhook.New
forbids to pass mutators
and validators
at the same time. Please use separate webhooks for validating and mutating actions if required.
```bugfix operator #8742 @plkokanov
During the `restore` phase of control plane migration, the `machine-controller-manager` is deployed with 0 replicas if it did not exist before or if it existed and was not scaled up yet. This fixes an issue that could cause the `Shoot`'s nodes to get recreated during control plane migration.
:warning: `etcd.Status.ClusterSize`, `etcd.Status.ServiceName`, `etcd.Status.UpdatedReplicas` have been marked as deprecated and users should refrain from depending on these fields.
The `Shoot` maintenance controller now updates the CRI of worker pools from `docker` to `containerd` when force-upgrading from Kubernetes `v1.22` to `v1.23`.
The `kube-controller-manager` controllers are now disabled based on disabled APIs, which can be configured with `spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.runtimeConfig` field in the Shoot API. All controllers are enabled by default for Shoot with workers. For workerless Shoots, some non-required APIs are disabled by default, which can be overridden by the above configuration.
A bug causing `EtcdCopyBackupsTask` jobs to fail to create temp snapshot directory while using distroless etcd-backup-restore image `v0.25.x` has been resolved.
Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines that are getting terminated
A bug was fixed which was causing existing `Bastion` resources on the garden cluster to not be deleted when `SSHAccess` is disabled on a Shoot cluster.
An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed
A new feature gate named `ContainerdRegistryHostsDir` is introduced to gardenlet. When enabled, the `/etc/containerd/certs.d` directory is created on the Node and containerd is configured to look up for registries/mirrors configuration in this directory (if there is any configuration applied). In future, the [registry-cache extension]( will add such registries/mirrors configuration under this directory (via OperatingSystemConfig mutation).
The component checklist is enhanced with 2 new rules for container images:
- Do not use container images from registries that don't support IPv6 - registries such as GHCR, ECR, MCR don't support image pulls over IPv6
- Do not use Shoot container images that are not multi-arch
A bug has been fixed which caused `ServiceAccount`s related to garden access secrets for extensions to leak in the seed namespace in the garden cluster after uninstallation of said extensions.
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.9.4`.
Validation has been added for `spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.runtimeConfig` field in the Shoot API. Disabling APIs marked as "Required" by gardener is not permitted.
`kubectl get garden` now features additional printer column `Observability` providing information about the Observability components of the runtime cluster.
Update alpine base image components to 3.18.3.
Custodian controller no longer watches leases owned by the etcd resources, thus reducing frequency of etcd status updates and now honouring `custodian-sync-period` value.
It is no longer possible to configure `.spec.virtualCluster.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.authorization` in the `Garden` API.
Control plane components `kube-apiserver`, `kube-controller-manager` and `kube-scheduler` now run as `nonroot` user and group `65532`.
Shoot control plane prometheus is now scraping kubelet volume metrics (`kubelet_volume_stats_available_bytes`, `kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes` and `kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes`) from the kube-system namespace. This allows Gardener extensions deploying PVCs to the Shoot's kube-system namespace (such as the registry-cache extension) to build alerting and plutono dashboard panels using these kubelet volume metrics.
`gardener-operator` maintains the two most recent `generic-token-kubeconfig` secrets in the runtime-cluster. In addition the latest secret name is published to the `garden` resource in `.metadata.annotations[]`. Third-party components referring to this secret should check this annotation value after a credentials or CA rotation for the virtual-garden cluster took place.
It is now possible to reference `Secret`s containing kubeconfigs for admission plugins in `Shoot`s. The referenced `Secret` must be referenced in`.spec.resources` as well as in `.spec.kubernetes.kubeAPIServer.admissionPlugins[].kubeconfigSecretName`.
Added `errorCode` field in the `LastOperation` struct. This should be implemented only for the `CreateMachine` call in the `triggerCreationFlow`. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff
Fix an issue, where DNS lookups for non-existing pods of a StatefulSet yielded one of the existing pods even when it should not have.
`gardenlet` no longer reports the `Bootstrapped` condition on `Seed`s. Instead, it now reports the progress in `.status.lastOperation`, similar to how it's done for `Shoot`s.
The obsolete `addons` `ManagedResource` is now properly cleaned up.
Removed apiserver-proxy pod webhook as it is now included in Gardener Resource Manager.
An issue causing the `etcd-backup` Secret to be wrongly deleted for a Shoot cluster due to stale BackupEntry deletion from a previous Shoot creation with the same name is now fixed.
Status of `garden` now includes the `ObservabilityComponentsHealthy` condition which show the health of observability components in the garden runtime-cluster.
Use cgroupv2 fix for local-setup on macOS too.
Usage of the deprecated injection mechanisms in controller-runtime (like `InjectScheme`, `InjectLogger`, `InjectConfig`, `InjectClient`, `InjectCache` etc) as well as package `extensions/pkg/controller/common` are dropped in a preparation to upgrade to the next version where injection is removed entirely. With this, `Inject*` functions on controllers, predicates, actuators, delegates, and friends are not called anymore. When upgrading the `gardener/gardener` dependency to this version, all injection implementations need to be removed. As a replacement, you can get the needed clients and similar from the manager during initialisation of the component.
Refactored `statefulset`, `service`, `poddisruptionbudget`, `lease`, and `configmap` components to use default labels and owner references from `etcd`.
Configuring multiple `reserve-excess-capacity` deployments on `Seed`s is supported now by specifying `.spec.settings.excessCapacityReservation.configs`.
New `Secret`s referenced in `ManagedResource`s will no longer be patched with the label `` when the `ManagedResource` is reconciled. `Secret`s which already exist in the `ManagedResource` specification will still be patched if necessary.
The `hack/` script now receives the file name prefix via the `-p` option (previously, the prefix was the first argument to the script).
Remove unneeded Monitor function from iptables implementation
`nginx-ingress-controller` image is updated to `v1.8.1` for Kubernetes`v1.24+` clusters.
The `` annotation on `Shoot`s has no effect anymore and should be removed.
When deploying this version of `gardener-operator`, make sure that you update your `Garden` resources with the new `.spec.virtualCluster.gardener.clusterIdentity` field. If you already have a `gardener-apiserver` deployment, make sure that the value matches the `--cluster-identity` flag of the current `gardener-apiserver` deployment.
The `hack/` script is now removed. The repo based manifest are removed in favor of a centrally managed manifests. See The manifests are now maintained centrally in
Gardener now uses 3072 bit RSA keys in order to generate TLS certificates.
metrics exposed by `cluster autoscaler` now scraped by `prometheus`
Update `vertical-pod-autoscaler` to `v0.14.0`.
`hack/` has been renamed to `hack/`.
Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to `ReadOnlyFileSystem` and `NotReady` for too long
A bug causing the crd generation for `` group to fail in extensions is now fixed.
The `webhookcmd.NewAddToManagerSimpleOptions` function was removed, please use `webhookcmd.NewAddToManagerOptions` instead.
A `` script which can be used to generate an admin kubeconfig for a local shoot cluster was added in the `hack/usage` directory.
`custodian-sync-period` value is set to `15s` in the Helm chart for etcd-druid.
Making etcd-backup-restore restart tolerant while scaling-up an etcd cluster.
Gardener now reports `node`s for which the `checksum/cloud-config-data` hasn't been populated yet. This could point towards an error on the node and that not all Gardener related configuration happened successfully.
All default images are now present in `images.yaml`
Add CVE categorization for etcd-backup-restore.
The `.{source,target}ClientConnection.namespace` field has been renamed to `namespaces` and now takes a list of namespaces. The `.targetClientConnection.disableCachedClient` field has been removed.
@gardener-robot-ci-1 Thank you for your contribution.
Release Notes: