gardener / gardener-extension-provider-azure

Gardener extension controller for the Azure cloud provider (
Apache License 2.0
10 stars 81 forks source link

Availability set deprecation #1025

Open kon-angelo opened 3 days ago

kon-angelo commented 3 days ago

How to categorize this PR?

/area control-plane /kind enhancement /platform azure

What this PR does / why we need it:

Which issue(s) this PR fixes: Fixes #

Special notes for your reviewer:

Release note:

Disable the creation of Availability-Set-based shoots.
VMSS-Flex based shoots are not the default deployment for non-zonal shoots.
Introduce an annotation to migrate the availability-set shoots to VMSS-Flex shoots.
kon-angelo commented 3 days ago


testmachinery[bot] commented 3 days ago

Testrun: e2e-xn69g Workflow: e2e-xn69g-wf Phase: Succeeded

|        NAME         |           STEP            |   PHASE   | DURATION |
| infrastructure-test | infra-flow-test           | Succeeded | 21m14s   |
| infrastructure-test | infra-flow-migration-test | Succeeded | 26m21s   |
| bastion-test        | bastion-test              | Succeeded | 9m4s     |
| infrastructure-test | infrastructure-test       | Succeeded | 23m8s    |