gardener / gardener-extension-provider-azure

Gardener extension controller for the Azure cloud provider (
Apache License 2.0
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Clean up the handling for .spec.provider.workers[].machine.volume.type=standard #190

Open ialidzhikov opened 3 years ago

ialidzhikov commented 3 years ago introduces the following code fragment for backwards-compatibility reasons:

Prior to, the azure machines were always with the default os disk belonging to the requested machine type.

We already have in place the validation that prevents creation of a new cluster with volume type != ["Standard_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS", "Premium_LRS"].

$ k apply -f ~/bar.yaml --dry-run=server
Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "/Users/foo/bar.yaml": "test" is forbidden: [spec.provider.workers[0].volume.type: Unsupported value: core.Volume{Name:(*string)(nil), Type:(*string)(0xc013ff5820), VolumeSize:"50Gi", Encrypted:(*bool)(nil)}: supported values: "Standard_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS", "Premium_LRS"]

We still have a small number of legacy Shoots which still use .spec.provider.workers[].machine.volume.type=standard. We should actively ping them to migrate (a rolling update of the Nodes will be caused by change of volume.type).

After that we can clean up the above explicit check for ["Standard_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS", "Premium_LRS"].

/kind cleanup /platform azure /priority normal /cc @dkistner

dkistner commented 3 years ago

I wrote a small script to detect the affected clusters and their owners:

#/bin/bash -e -x pipefail

shoot_list=$(kubectl get shoots -o json -A | jq -r '.items[] | select(.spec.provider.type == "azure") | select(.spec.provider.workers[] | .volume.type == "standard") | [.metadata.namespace,,.metadata.creationTimestamp] | @json' | sed s/garden-//g | uniq)

for a in $shoot_list; do
  echo "---"
  echo "Project: $(echo $a | jq -r .[0])"
  echo "Shoot: $(echo $a | jq -r .[1])"
  echo "Owner: $(kubectl get project $(echo $a | jq -r .[0]) -o json | jq -r"
  echo "Created at $(echo $a | jq -r .[2])"
dkistner commented 3 years ago


kon-angelo commented 1 year ago

/remove lifecycle/rotten