gardener / gardener-extension-provider-vsphere

Gardener extension controller for the vSphere cloud provider (
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[>v0.50.0] #471

Closed gardener-robot-ci-1 closed 8 months ago

gardener-robot-ci-1 commented 10 months ago

Release Notes:

Machine object won't turn from `Pending`  to `Running` state if `` taint is there on the corresponding node.
An edge case where all the machineSets were scaled down to zero has been dealt with.
Bump `*` deps to v0.27.2
Force drain and delete volume attachments for nodes un-healthy due to `ReadOnlyFileSystem` and `NotReady` for too long
A new make target is introduced to add license headers.
Added proposal for hot-update of resources (instance/Nic/Disk)
An issue causing nil pointer panic on scaleup of the machinedeployment along with trigger of rolling update, is fixed
Removal of the following flags (and corresponding fields in associated structs): 'machine-creation-timeout' 'machine-drain-timeout', 'machine-pv-detach-timeout', 'machine-health-timeout=10m', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-timeout', 'machine-safety-apiserver-statuscheck-period', 'machine-safety-orphan-vms-period', 'machine-max-evict-retries', 'node-conditions', 'bootstrap-token-auth-extra-groups', 'delete-migrated-machine-class'. The MCM no longer accepts these flags since these are options handled by the Machine Controller invoked by platform specific provider launchers.
The API generation now works again. Previously the API docs was generated to a location that was ignored by git and other API docs file was maintained.
Updated to go v1.20.5
Removed dead metrics code and refactored the remaining metrics code
Bump `*` dependencies to v1.26.2
Added a new metric that will allow to get the number of stale (due to unhealthiness) machines  that are getting terminated
Included `UnavailableReplicas` in determining if a machine deployment status update is needed
Deletion of 'Driver.GenerateMachineClassForMigration'. Providers need to adapt to this.
Added `errorCode` field in the `LastOperation` struct. This should be implemented only for the `CreateMachine` call in the `triggerCreationFlow`. This field will be utilized by Cluster autoscaler to do early backoff 
CVE categorization for MCM has been added.
Fix a bug in the bootstrap token creation that caused node to not be able to join the cluster due to an expired bootstrap token.
An edge case where outdated DesiredReplicas annotation blocked a rolling update is fixed.
`CrashloopBackoff` machines will turn to `Running` quicker
New metrics introduced: 
- api_request_duration_seconds -> tracks time taken for successful invocation of provider APIs. This metric can be filtered by provider and service.
- driver_request_duration_seconds -> tracks total time taken to successfully complete driver method invocation. This metric can be filtered by provider and operation.
- driver_requests_failed_total -> records total number of failed driver API requests. This metric can be filtered by provider, operations and error_code.
status.Status now captures underline cause, allowing consumers to introspect the error returned by the provider. WrapError() function could be used to wrap the provider error
Makefile targets have changed: Introduced gardener-setup, gardener-restore, gardener-local-mcm-up, non-gardener-setup, non-gardener-restore,  non-gardener-local-mcm-up. Users can also directly use the scripts which are used by these makefile targets.
gardener-robot commented 10 months ago

@gardener-robot-ci-1 Thank you for your contribution.