gardener / gardener-extension-shoot-rsyslog-relp

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[Flaky Test] pull-gardener-extension-shoot-rsyslog-relp-e2e-kind due to logs still getting sent after disabling the extension #198

Open plkokanov opened 2 days ago

plkokanov commented 2 days ago

How to categorize this issue?

/area testing /kind flake

Which test(s)/suite(s) are flaking: The Shoot Rsyslog Relp Extension Tests shoot-rsyslog-relp extension with tls and openssl enabled [It] Create Shoot, enable shoot-rsyslog-relp extension then disable it and delete Shoot [tls-enabled] part of pull-gardener-extension-shoot-rsyslog-relp-e2e-kind test fails with the following error:

CI link:

Reason for failure:

Shoot Rsyslog Relp Extension Tests shoot-rsyslog-relp extension with tls and openssl enabled [It] Create Shoot, enable shoot-rsyslog-relp extension then disable it and delete Shoot [tls-enabled]
  [FAILED] Timed out after 30.001s.
  Expected to successfully generate logs for node machine-shoot--local--e2e-rslog-tls-local-68576-blcwr and logs to NOT be present in rsyslog-relp-echo-server
  The function passed to Eventually failed at /home/prow/go/src/ with:
      <[]string | len:2, cap:2>: [
          " local e2e-rslog-hib f01243ba-7ae8-420b-ac59-70d0664ac13d machine-shoot--local--e2e-rslog-hib-local-7bcd6-pvgzm 9 test-program[11541]: 2024-11-21T15:11:46.977421+00:00 11541 -  this should get sent to echo server ",
          " -- MARK --",

The log " local e2e-rslog-hib f01243ba-7ae8-420b-ac59-70d0664ac13d machine-shoot--local--e2e-rslog-hib-local-7bcd6-pvgzm 9 test-program[11541]: 2024-11-21T15:11:46.977421+00:00 11541 - this should get sent to echo server " should be sent when checking if the rsyslog-relp service is properly configured on the shoot's nodes:

However, it appears to have been either delayed or resent after the extension was disabled, and was included in the logs fetched during the verification that no logs should be sent:

Checking the test logs, the extension gets disabled at 15:10:45.742, however the time of this log entry is from 15:11:46.977

  STEP: Disable the shoot-rsyslog-relp extension @ 11/21/24 15:10:45.742
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:10:45.777Z","logger":"test","msg":"Shoot is not yet reconciled","shoot":{"name":"e2e-rslog-tls","namespace":"garden-local"},"reason":"shoot generation did not equal observed generation"}
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:10:45.777Z","logger":"test","msg":"Last Operation","shoot":{"name":"e2e-rslog-tls","namespace":"garden-local"},"lastOperation":"&LastOperation{Description:Shoot cluster has been successfully reconciled.,LastUpdateTime:2024-11-21 15:09:58 +0000 UTC,Progress:100,State:Succeeded,Type:Reconcile,}"}
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:11:15.782Z","logger":"test","msg":"Shoot is not yet reconciled","shoot":{"name":"e2e-rslog-tls","namespace":"garden-local"},"reason":"condition type ControlPlaneHealthy is not true yet, had message Deployment \"gardener-resource-manager\" is unhealthy: condition \"Available\" has invalid status False (expected True) due to MinimumReplicasUnavailable: Deployment does not have minimum availability. with reason DeploymentUnhealthy"}
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:11:15.782Z","logger":"test","msg":"Last Operation","shoot":{"name":"e2e-rslog-tls","namespace":"garden-local"},"lastOperation":"&LastOperation{Description:Shoot cluster has been successfully reconciled.,LastUpdateTime:2024-11-21 15:11:12 +0000 UTC,Progress:100,State:Succeeded,Type:Reconcile,}"}
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:11:45.789Z","logger":"test","msg":"Shoot was successfully updated","shoot":{"name":"e2e-rslog-tls","namespace":"garden-local"}}
  STEP: Verify that shoot-rsyslog-relp extension is disabled @ 11/21/24 15:11:45.789
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:11:45.813Z","logger":"test","msg":"Waiting for Pod to be ready","pod":{"name":"rootpod-r5m","namespace":"kube-system"}}
  {"level":"info","ts":"2024-11-21T15:11:50.816Z","logger":"test","msg":"Pod is ready now","pod":{"name":"rootpod-r5m","namespace":"kube-system"}}
  STEP: Wait 30 seconds before checking for logs @ 11/21/24 15:11:51.461
  STEP: Verify that there are no logs @ 11/21/24 15:12:21.461

Anything else we need to know: N/A