gardener / gardener

Homogeneous Kubernetes clusters at scale on any infrastructure using hosted control planes.
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Generate OIDC kubeconfig when OIDC is specified #1433

Closed mvladev closed 2 years ago

mvladev commented 5 years ago

What would you like to be added:

When OIDC is specified in the Shoot cluster, a OIDC kubeconfig should be generated. Given:

kind: Shoot
  name: preset
  namespace: default
    oidc: enabled
            extra-scopes: email,offline_access,profile
            foo: bar
          secret: oidc-client-secret
        clientID: cluster-preset
        groupsClaim: groups-claim
        groupsPrefix: groups-prefix
          key: value
        - RS256
        usernameClaim: username-claim
        usernamePrefix: username-prefix
    version: 1.15.2

it should produce the following kubeconfig

apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- cluster:
  name: shoot--default--preset
- context:
    cluster: shoot--default--preset
    user: shoot--default--preset
  name: shoot--default--preset
current-context: shoot--default--preset
- name: shoot--default--preset
      name: oidc
        client-id:  cluster-preset
        cliient-secret: oidc-client-secret
        extra-scopes: email,offline_access,profile
        foo: bar

This have a requirement to #1394

rfranzke commented 4 years ago

@mvladev what's the plan here?

mvladev commented 4 years ago

We still need the {{shoot-name}}.kubeconfig as it's used by admins to grant privileges to the end-users.

The plan is the following:

I think that it should be sufficient?

rfranzke commented 4 years ago


rfranzke commented 3 years ago

/touch @mvladev still plans to implement this?

mvladev commented 3 years ago

The more and more I think about this - It's my gut feeling that we should have this as an Shoot subresource - e.g. shoots/kubeconfig that accepts a request for kubeconfig:

kind: KubeConfigRequest
  type: OpenIDConnect

and then the APIServer responds with:

kind: KubeConfigRequest
  type: OpenIDConnect
  kubeconfig: # this is base64-encoded. but decoded for the sample
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: base64-encoded-certificate
      name: shoot-1234
    - context:
        cluster: shoot-1234
        user: shoot-1234
      name: shoot-1234
    current-context: shoot-1234
    - name: shoot-1234
          - oidc-login
          - get-token
          - --oidc-issuer-url=
          - --oidc-client-id=some-client
          - --oidc-client-secret=some-secret
          - --oidc-extra-scope=email
          - --oidc-extra-scope=profile
          - --oidc-extra-scope=groups
          - --grant-type=auto
          command: kubectl

Or if the cluster-admin kubeconfig is needed then:

kind: KubeConfigRequest
  type: ClusterAdmin
  kubeconfig: # this is base64-encoded. but decoded for the sample
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Config
    - cluster:
        certificate-authority-data: base64-encoded-certificate
      name: shoot-1234
    - context:
        cluster: shoot-1234
        user: shoot-1234
      name: shoot-1234
    current-context: shoot-1234
    - name: shoot-1234
         token: fkjj12 # cluster-admin token

Those resource won't be preserved in the system, but fetched and constructed from the ShootState resource by the API Server. Permissions to create KubeConfigRequest of type ClusterAdmin should be granted only to users that are allowed to perform administrate verb on shoots/kubeconfig.

mvladev commented 3 years ago

@vlerenc can you have a look into ? With subresource apporach we do not duplicate the information already stored in the ShootState and can easily apply authorization based on the the user making the request.

vlerenc commented 3 years ago

@mvladev I guess you asked me specifically because of:

I am digressing, but there are many topics that are discussed now in parallel and they are all (more or less) related.

Let's focus to your proposal at hand:

  1. I like the on-the-fly nature of your proposal very, very much.
  2. I do not like the static token that much in it, because we said we would like to offer clusters where users can opt out of basic auth and static tokens and now this one would require static tokens. Then again, we plan to implement on-demand rotation and we could/would then include the static tokens into rotation. However, it's still surprising to end users, if they didn't explicitly asked for it, especially if they implemented their own rotation and want to explicitly forbid it/forbade it.
  3. We have discussed alternatives, but they all have disadvantages as well:
    • use OIDC web hook authenticator and OpenIDConnects for the Gardener OpenID provider and the user-defined cluster OpenID provider; project admins can download `kubeconfig's for either and all other roles only for the latter (ugly, because, contrary to the user's wish, we would always "inject" the web hook authenticator that is an availability- and a security-relevant component and possibly a danger/threat)
    • create user-defined ClusterRoleBinding for cluster-admins as specified in the shoot spec (ugly, because it feels clumsy as project members would not be authorised by default, but then again this may be intentional)
    • create/sync ClusterRoleBinding that authorises all project admins (ugly, because subjects in Gardener's OpenID provider may not be the same as in the cluster's user-defined OpenID provider)
  4. Concretely, where is the oidc-client-secret in the generated kubeconfig coming from, because we don't have/didn't need to have it yet in
mvladev commented 3 years ago

I do not like the static token that much in it, because we said we would like to offer clusters where users can opt out of basic auth and static tokens and now this one would require static tokens. Then again, we plan to implement on-demand rotation and we could/would then include the static tokens into rotation. However, it's still surprising to end users, if they didn't explicitly asked for it, especially if they implemented their own rotation and want to explicitly forbid it/forbade it.

The static token is the current implementation which can be changed in the future, when those other ways to authenticate can be used.

Concretely, where is the oidc-client-secret in the generated kubeconfig coming from, because we don't have/didn't need to have it yet in . Also I'm also thinking that it would be possible to send this information when making KubeConfigRequest.

I haven't updated the example documentation, but there is additional information that can be passed when the cluster is created - the secret is stored there.

vlerenc commented 3 years ago

The static token is the current implementation which can be changed in the future, when those other ways to authenticate can be used.

Maybe, but then again, implementing it this way and throwing it away soon after would be odd/waste.

Also I'm also thinking that it would be possible to send this information when making KubeConfigRequest.

@mvladev The "Also I'm also thinking" part is your thought/should not be in quotes citing me.

Yes, if we go down that path, that's a nice idea. Then it's not our responsibility. We just take and insert it. Whether it's correct is not our concern.

Then again, it makes the interactions more clumsy in the dashboard ( :-/ ), so taking it in as configuration seems more reasonable, hopefully.

vpnachev commented 3 years ago

Personally, I do not like very much the idea of sending a custom object to the subresource. Can we simplify it to do just one of the following

  1. Have 2 different subresources - one for the OIDC shoot/oidcKubeconfig and one for the static kubeconfig shoot/staticKubeconfig.
  2. Add shootRef to KubeConfigRequest and create them on the fly similar to the SelfSubjectRulesReview:
    kubectl create -f - -o yaml  << EOF
    kind: KubeConfigRequest
    type: ClusterAdmin
    name: crazy-botany
    namespace: garden-dev

I lean toward the first option as the role(binding)s can be defined per subresource. In the other case, an additional authorization logic is required to consider the kubeConfigRequest.spec.type if we want to provide the option for fine-grained access control to the kubeconfigs.

mvladev commented 3 years ago

Have 2 different subresources - one for the OIDC shoot/oidcKubeconfig and one for the static kubeconfig shoot/staticKubeconfig.

I think this might be the better approach as we might need different semantics for both ( see bellow ).

Maybe, but then again, implementing it this way and throwing it away soon after would be odd/waste.

Now that the API sever could read the Shoot state it should be quite easy to generate a short-lived certificate - e.g. for 30 mins:

kind: AdminKubeConfigRequest
  expirationSeconds: 1800

The API server now can generate a client certificate, sign it by the client-ca and return it in the kubeconfig. The certificate would be valid only for 30 mins.

vlerenc commented 3 years ago

The API server now can generate a client certificate, sign it by the client-ca and return it in the kubeconfig. The certificate would be valid only for 30 mins.

@mvladev Ha, I like that. No static tokens, just a short-lived cert? Very nice!

rfranzke commented 3 years ago

@mvladev What's the plan with this issue now that we have merged the shoots/adminkubeconfig subresource feature? Do you still plan to generate an OIDC kubeconfig if the Shoot has configured OIDC settings?

rfranzke commented 3 years ago

friendly reminder @mvladev

donistz commented 2 years ago

OIDC configuration in the Gardener shoot clusters is owned by the shoot cluster owner. Gardner should not mess with a provider that is not controlled by it.