`getVMStatus` always redirects to `InitiateDrain`. It also populates the node label on the machine object by checking `node.gardener.cloud/machine-name` label on the nodes.
Fixed a bug where failure of machine initialization caused label updates to not happen.
Fixed bug that removed the shoot-- prefix from control cluster namespace for integration tests using the gardener local setup case
MCM replaces the magic string `<<MACHINE_NAME>>` in user data with the name of the machine when it is bootstrapped.
The following dependencies are updated:
- `k8s.io/*` : `v0.29.3` -> `v0.31.0`
golangci-lint will now be used as the linter instead of the older golint
MCM adds the name of the machine to `node.gardener.cloud/machine-name` label of the corresponding node.
Drain timeout is now correctly honored for Pod eviction during Machine Drain
Release Notes: