garethgeorge / backrest

Backrest is a web UI and orchestrator for restic backup.
GNU General Public License v3.0
787 stars 31 forks source link

Download without restore #347

Closed Glideh closed 1 week ago

Glideh commented 1 week ago

Would be great to have the ability to download a backup file/directory without having to restore it on a physical location

garethgeorge commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately this is probably not something Backrest will change. Restic must restore to a local path before you can download files (which takes up storage).

In the next release I am planning to improve UX here by setting better default paths pre-populated in the UI when running a restore (e.g. the ability to easily restore directly into the Downloads folder on the host machine ... and defaulting the restore location to be a directory adjacent to the path being restored otherwise).

Glideh commented 1 week ago

Ho ok understood