garethky / klipper-voron2.4-config

Klipper Config for my Voron 2.4
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Chamber heater along with bed heater #6

Open fauks opened 1 year ago

fauks commented 1 year ago

Thank you for such a great macro!

I've slightly modified this to also start up a chamber heater I have to help get the chamber up to temp before the print. My problem is that the rate of change is much faster than with only a bed so the macro keeps going sometimes up above 60c which is 10c higher than my target temp.

What rate/smoothing settings would you recommend for this setup? Is there a way I can just have it cut off after a certain temp is reached?

Thank you!

garethky commented 1 year ago

So first I want to say that if you are pointing the heater at the temperature sensor this is probably not the macro for your use-case. You could do something much simpler that just waits for a target temperature and then stops.

Heatsoak is designed for cases where you have a target temperature in mind but you're pretty sure you'll never get to that temperature. Maybe you want your chamber at 60C but you never see 60. Maybe after 2 hours of printing you are at 52C. Heat soak solves for that case so you're print will start in a reasonable time under thermally stable conditions.

Either way, here are some things you can try:

For the RATE parameter you can look at the rate reported in the log messages in the console:

Soaking -- temp: 40.2C / 35.0C -- rate: 1.254C/m / 0.3C/m -- 25.2m remaining

The rate rate: 1.254C/m / 0.3C/m statement tells you the rate of change of the temperature in degrees C per minute. It also shows the target rate, 0.3C/m.

Watch a heat soak run and around the temperature where you want the heat soak to end, look at what the reported rate is and then plug that back into the RATE= parameter.

The second thing you can do is take advantage of the TARGET parameter. That's the temperature below which the heat soak wont stop no matter how low the rate is. So you can use that to set a min target temp. Then maybe set a slightly larger value for RATE. Then the heat soak would generally stop at that target temperature and would only keep going if the rate were very high. i.e. maybe it stops at 40C in the winter but it keeps going higher than that in the summer. That's probably not the exact behavior you are after though.