garethr / garethr-erlang

Puppet module for managing erlang from official package repository
Apache License 2.0
7 stars 35 forks source link

Debian based version fix, won't actually works #26

Open rbucchi opened 8 years ago

rbucchi commented 8 years ago

I'm trying to fix a specific erlang version through the 'version' parameter, but that's the result:

root@ocp-puppet1:/etc/puppet/environments/ocp# puppet apply --environment ocp -e "class {'erlang': version => '1:16.b.3-dfsg-1ubuntu2.1'}"

Warning: Config file /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml not found, using Hiera defaults
Notice: Compiled catalog for ocp-puppet1.openstacklocal in environment ocp in 0.58 seconds
Warning: /Apt_key[Add key: D208507CA14F4FCA from Apt::Source erlang]: The id should be a full fingerprint (40 characters), see README.
Notice: /Stage[main]/Erlang/Package[erlang-nox]/ensure: ensure changed 'purged' to '1:16.b.3-dfsg-1ubuntu2.1'
Notice: Finished catalog run in 23.29 seconds

root@ocp-puppet1:/etc/puppet/environments/ocp# dpkg -l | grep erlang

ii  erlang-asn1                      1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP modules for ASN.1 support
ii  erlang-base                      1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP virtual machine and base applications
ii  erlang-corba                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP applications for CORBA support
ii  erlang-crypto                    1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP cryptographic modules
ii  erlang-diameter                  1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP implementation of RFC 3588 protocol
ii  erlang-edoc                      1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP module for generating documentation
ii  erlang-eldap                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP LDAP library
ii  erlang-erl-docgen                1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP documentation stylesheets
ii  erlang-eunit                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP module for unit testing
ii  erlang-ic                        1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP IDL compiler
ii  erlang-inets                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP Internet clients and servers
ii  erlang-mnesia                    1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP distributed relational/object hybrid database
ii  erlang-nox                       1:16.b.3-dfsg-1ubuntu2.1         all          Erlang/OTP applications that don't require X Window System
ii  erlang-odbc                      1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP interface to SQL databases
ii  erlang-os-mon                    1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP operating system monitor
ii  erlang-parsetools                1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP parsing tools
ii  erlang-percept                   1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP concurrency profiling tool
ii  erlang-public-key                1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP public key infrastructure
ii  erlang-runtime-tools             1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP runtime tracing/debugging tools
ii  erlang-snmp                      1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP SNMP applications
ii  erlang-ssh                       1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP implementation of SSH protocol
ii  erlang-ssl                       1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP implementation of SSL
ii  erlang-syntax-tools              1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP modules for handling abstract Erlang syntax trees
ii  erlang-tools                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP various tools
ii  erlang-webtool                   1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP helper for web-based tools
ii  erlang-xmerl                     1:19.0-1                         amd64        Erlang/OTP XML tools

Just erlang-nox package is version-fixed. Shouldn't be the other versions 1.16... as well?

Vincent-- commented 7 years ago


I have the same issue and it's because of the way erlang-nox package is build:

This package is a dummy package which will install all Erlang/OTP
 applications which do not require X Window System to run

It only ensures packages are installed but there is no dependency about the version number:

Depends: erlang-base | erlang-base-hipe, erlang-asn1, erlang-corba, erlang-crypto, erlang-diameter, erlang-edoc, erlang-eldap, erlang-erl-docgen, erlang-eunit, erlang-ic, erlang-inets, erlang-inviso, erlang-mnesia, erlang-odbc, erlang-os-mon, erlang-parsetools, erlang-percept, erlang-public-key, erlang-runtime-tools, erlang-snmp, erlang-ssh, erlang-ssl, erlang-syntax-tools, erlang-tools, erlang-xmerl

So basically, during the first install the dependencies might be ok (not even sure) but after that, if you try to upgrade the package it has not impact on the version of erlang-base, etc. So it's quite useless, in my opinion.

Basically, we have 2 options here:

vegardx commented 6 years ago

I imagine a lot of people are going to come here with similar issue now that erlang-nox 21.0 was released, with breaking changes to rabbitmq-server. Currently the only workaround seems to stop using this module and stick with distro packages, or pinning all the packages manually, like suggested over me.

mmogylenko commented 6 years ago

Plus, in some cases distro packages are not fully supported by some software:

I did a temp workaround:

class profile::erlang (
  $key          = '434975BD900CCBE4F7EE1B1ED208507CA14F4FCA',
  $key_source   = '',
  $package_name = 'erlang-base',
  $location     = '',
  $repos        = 'contrib',
  $version      = 'present'
) {

  # This crap because of that
  # and
  # and Erlang Solutions (not able to build deb packages in a right way)

  $pkgs_a = [
    'erlang-ic', 'erlang-odbc', 'erlang-eunit', 'erlang-parsetools',
    'erlang-syntax-tools', 'erlang-mnesia', 'erlang-xmerl', 'erlang-crypto'

  $pkgs_b = [ 'erlang-asn1', 'erlang-runtime-tools' ]
  $pkgs_c = [ 'erlang-inviso', 'erlang-public-key', 'erlang-snmp' ]
  $pkgs_d = [ 'erlang-ssh', 'erlang-ssl', 'erlang-os-mon' ]
  $pkgs_e = [ 'erlang-diameter', 'erlang-eldap', 'erlang-inets' ]

  $pkgs_f = [

  Package {
    ensure => $version

  package { $pkgs_a:
    require => Package[$package_name]
  } ->

  package { $pkgs_b: } ->
  package { $pkgs_c: } ->
  package { $pkgs_d: } ->
  package { $pkgs_e: } ->
  package { $pkgs_f: } ->

  package { 'erlang-erl-docgen': } ->
  package { 'erlang-nox': } # RMQ Server Depends on this package

  apt::source { 'erlang':
    ensure   => present,
    location => $location,
    release  => $::lsbdistcodename,
    repos    => $repos,
    include  => { 'src'     => false},
    key      => {
      'id'     => $key,
      'server' => 'hkp://',
      'source' => $key_source

  apt::pin { 'erlang':
    priority => 600,
    packages => 'erlang-*',
    origin   => '',
    require  => Apt::Source['erlang'],
  } ->

  package { $package_name: ensure => $version, }
