garex / nodejs-colors-to-less-operations

Transforms colors to less operations that needs to be applied to the base color to get the desired color
MIT License
9 stars 2 forks source link

The error in the resulting color ~ 1% #5

Open PainterPRO opened 9 years ago

PainterPRO commented 9 years ago
@base-color: #428bca;
@needed-color: #5cb85c; // HSB: 120, 50, 72


spin(desaturate(lighten(#428bca, 1%), 17%), -88); 


#5ab75a;  // HSB: 120, 51, 72
// Result-color != @needed-color; S ~ 1%
garex commented 9 years ago

@PainterPRO btw, what if we try to use float values on not percents in params?

Does less support it? Can you research?

PainterPRO commented 9 years ago
