garfield-oo7 / pe

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CAP max value #5

Open garfield-oo7 opened 1 year ago

garfield-oo7 commented 1 year ago

When entering the following command

add n/Jane Doe p/000 e/ a/311 / c/ 10.121/32532534.3453452352352352353534542345 g/female u/NUS gd/05-2024 m/Computer Science ji/00000 jt/Software enginer

We get the following error message


Which states that CAP value should not be more than 100, however this is not mentioned in the userguide, where it is only stated that:


soc-pe-bot commented 1 year ago

Team's Response


Team chose [response.Rejected]

Reason for disagreement: The reason I marked this down as a feature flaw is because, as you can see in the video attached below, if I try to change the cap of a person using the command

edit 1 c/ 1/10, it changes the CAP and does not throw any error,

However, when I use the command, edit 1 c/ 1/10.00 it throws an error.

However, I do agree having maximum CAP value of 32532534.3453452352352352353534542345 is not likely to happen. But not even being be able to cap values to 10.00 is something that you would like to look into since it throws an error saying that CAP values should not exceed 100.0, hence I marked this down as a feature flaw and not a documentation bug


:question: Issue type

Team chose [type.DocumentationBug] Originally [type.FeatureFlaw]

Reason for disagreement: The reason I marked this down as a feature flaw is because, as you can see in the video attached below, if I try to change the cap of a person using the command

edit 1 c/ 1/10, it changes the CAP and does not throw any error,

However, when I use the command, edit 1 c/ 1/10.00 it throws an error.

However, I do agree having maximum CAP value of 32532534.3453452352352352353534542345 is not likely to happen. But not even being be able to cap values to 10.00 is something that you would like to look into since it throws an error saying that CAP values should not exceed 100.0, hence I marked this down as a feature flaw and not a documentation bug


:question: Issue severity

Team chose [severity.Low] Originally [severity.Medium]

Reason for disagreement: [replace this with your explanation]