garganurag893 / react-native-phone-number-input

React Native component for phone number.
MIT License
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Country flag and code does not get updated upon load #28

Open ashton-hoss opened 3 years ago

ashton-hoss commented 3 years ago

Once again thanks for the library. I was testing this on my app and realized when I go the page which has this component in, when the number is loaded, the country flag does not get load correctly (in an event that state gets changed).

Is there any work around this? Maybe a prop similar to defaultValue and value? or a function cuch as setCounty()

sengchunyee commented 3 years ago

Have you found any workaround? Facing the same issue

kosalamoon commented 3 years ago

async componentDidMount() { const { defaultCode } = this.props; if (defaultCode) { const code = await getCallingCode(defaultCode); this.setState({ code }); } }

this seems to be the issue

jcisz commented 3 years ago

Same here. If you set the default value with a different calling code. And then try to extract the calling/country code. It always extract the default

theRealSheng commented 3 years ago

1) const [ ready, setReady ] = useState(false); 2) Return null if state ready = false; 3) Make changes in state for country code and setReady(true);

saadelsabahy commented 3 years ago

@theRealSheng can you provide example please

theRealSheng commented 3 years ago

@saadelsabahy ` import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect } from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import I18n from 'react-native-i18n'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { View, Text } from 'react-native'; import PhoneInput from 'react-native-phone-number-input'; import parsePhoneNumberFromString from 'libphonenumber-js'; import maxList from 'libphonenumber-js/metadata.full.json';

import styles from './styles';

import { DynamicFormContextAPIShape } from '../../../../Context/DynamicFormContext';

const PhoneComponent = ({ api, configuration, data, }) => { const [ ready, setReady ] = useState(false); const [ value, setValue ] = useState(''); const [ countryCode, setCountryCode ] = useState(null); const [ formattedValue, setFormattedValue ] = useState(''); const [ valid, setValid ] = useState(true); const phoneInput = useRef(null);

useEffect(() => {

const findCountryCode = (countryCallingCode, metadata) => {
  if (countryCallingCode === '1'){
    return 'US';

  let countryCode;

  for(let i=0; i < Object.keys(metadata.countries).length; i++) {
    if (metadata.countries[i][0] === countryCallingCode) {
      countryCode = metadata.countries[i];

  return countryCode;

const setInitialValues = async () => {
  const { value } = data;

  if (value) {
    const data = parsePhoneNumberFromString(`+${value}`);
    if (data) {
      const { 
      } = data;
      const countryCode = country ? country : findCountryCode(countryCallingCode, metadata);

  } else {


}, [data])

const onChange = (text) => { const number = String(text).replace(/\D+/g, ''); setValue(number); if (!valid) { setValid(true); } };

const onChangeFormattedText = (text) => { const number = String(text).replace(/\D+/g, ''); setFormattedValue(+${number}); const { section, id } = configuration; api.onFieldValueChange(section, id, number) };

const onFinish = () => { const { section, id } = configuration; api.onFieldValueChange(section, id, formattedValue.replace('+', '')) }

if (!ready) { return null; }

let maxLength = 0;

if (maxList.countries[countryCode]) { maxLength = maxList.countries[countryCode][3][0] }

return (

{!valid && ( {I18n.t('number_not_valid')} )}

); };

PhoneComponent.propTypes = { configuration: PropTypes.object.isRequired, data: PropTypes.object.isRequired, api: DynamicFormContextAPIShape }

export default PhoneComponent


XiaoLong9012 commented 3 years ago

Hey. Your example is not correct. When updated country code state in componentDidMount() => doesn't update render as changed country code. This means initial country code state value is 'US', fetched country code is 'DE' in componentDidMount() => country code is still 'US'. Is this correct and useful component? This is correct only when update state in componentWillMount().

baronchng commented 2 years ago

You can refer to #85

Standin-Alone commented 1 year ago

any work around?