garimasingh128 / CP-DSA-Cpp-C

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Exclude .exe files from Tracking history for better code organization #22

Closed psk907 closed 3 years ago

psk907 commented 3 years ago



Executable files are created by the system upon compilation and are required only for running the code. Hence it is not required to be tracked by version control.


This would result in a cleaner and more professional repository.

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psk907 commented 3 years ago

@garimasingh128 I'd love to work on this myself, please assign me to it.

sahuaman83 commented 3 years ago

@garimasingh128 I would love to work on this please assign it to me.

hiruthicShaSS commented 3 years ago

Cleaned the executables and added those file extensions in .gitignore file. Pull Request: #58