garnaat / kappa

What precedes Lambda
Apache License 2.0
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Feature suggestions #36

Open benkehoe opened 8 years ago

benkehoe commented 8 years ago

I've implemented a few changes in my fork. They are, I think, mostly orthogonal to the python-refactor branch changes. Let me know if you'd be interested in a pull request for any of them.

  1. Make config file an option, default to looking for kappa.yml or kappa.yaml in any parent folder.
  2. Allow multiple policies. Automatically add an inline policy for CloudWatch logs to role. Allow policy documents to be specified inline
  3. Default to using 'src/' if lambda.path is not provided in config file.
  4. Use the name of the directory containing the kappa.ya?ml file as the default name for function and role if they are not provided.
  5. Commandline input for invoke
garnaat commented 8 years ago

I like all of these. I'm just wondering if it makes more sense to merge these into main branch or incorporate them into the refactor branch.

benkehoe commented 8 years ago

Let me see about merging them with the refactor branch. If I run into any snags I'll let you know.

garnaat commented 8 years ago

I have some of these in the python-refactor branch.