garretrc / ggvoronoi

Easy Voronoi diagram heatmaps with ggplot2
MIT License
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Please remove dependencies on **rgdal**, **rgeos**, and/or **maptools** #17

Open rsbivand opened 1 year ago

rsbivand commented 1 year ago

This package depends on (depends, imports or suggests) raster and one or more of the retiring packages rgdal, rgeos or maptools (, Since raster 3.6.3, all use of external FOSS library functionality has been transferred to terra, making the retiring packages very likely redundant. It would help greatly if you could remove dependencies on the retiring packages as soon as possible.

rsbivand commented 1 year ago

You will be aware, for example from:,, and and perhaps view that rgdal, rgeos and maptools will be retired this year, in October 2023.

The dependency on 'rgeos' found to be rgeos::gBuffer rgeos::intersect by pkgapi, line 95 in R/voronoi_polygon.R, needs urgent attention. My feeling is that sp classes were never a good fit, in that fortify always was fallible (if intersections lead to holes, they may not be properly encoded). But just to keep the package on CRAN after rgeos retires in October 2023, coercing to vect and replacing rgeos with terra calls to GEOS should be OK. rgeos::gBuffer is I think used just to try to make the polygons valid - there are other possibilities. The geos package could be used in place of terra, but not for sp objects.

rsbivand commented 1 year ago

@garretrc See also Please take urgent steps to resolve this issue. No positive changes appear in the repository. Less than three months remain to retain this package on CRAN.

rsbivand commented 11 months ago

@garretrc Less than three weeks remain to fix this.

rsbivand commented 11 months ago

@garretrc R spatial infrastructure packages maptools, rgdal and rgeos will be archived by CRAN on Monday, October 16, 2023. Your package does not pass CMD check when these packages are not available. Expect your package to be archived by CRAN October 17-18 as CRAN checks feed through and your package fails, if not updated by Monday, October 16, 2023.

No grace period is anticipated, as you have had sufficient time to update your package to remove dependencies on maptools, rgdal and/or rgeos. It remains the case that many packages importing the raster package needlessly depend on retiring packages, as raster stopped using them a year ago.

mhurk commented 8 months ago

Cannot run my scripts which use ggvoronoi anymore. That's a pity and reading the above that was probably since October 16.

ERROR: dependency 'rgeos' is not available for package 'ggvoronoi' * removing 'C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/R/win-library/4.3/ggvoronoi'

rsbivand commented 8 months ago

@mhurk @garretrc maybe consider taking over maintenance of the package? Try emailing the maintainers to get their approval. Please let me know if you need help.

mhurk commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion but tempting as it is I really don't have time at the moment to look into details of this or even try to fix it. But I will give it some thought and perhaps try to make some changes.

rsbivand commented 8 months ago

@mhurk Either convince @garretrc to merge my PR, and consider resubmitting to CRAN himself, or install from my fork, possibly taking over maintenance by copying out my fork. The time involved is trivial, why the maintainer didn't do this themselves is unknown.

mhurk commented 8 months ago

@rsbivand Thank you for your quick fix. It works like a charm. Very helpful! And @garretrc thanks for the merge!

garretrc commented 8 months ago

Hasn't been a priority lately due to finishing phd. Thanks @rsbivand , getting 401 error when submitting to CRAN but will investigate on a different network later!

rsbivand commented 8 months ago

Yes, CRAN re-opens for submissions January 8: