garrettj403 / SciencePlots

Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting
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New style for USENIX and ACM #129

Open pmcao opened 3 weeks ago

pmcao commented 3 weeks ago

Are you interested in adding styles for conferences such as USENIX and ACM? I have created those styles and can push. For example:

# Matplotlib style for IEEE plots
# This style should work for most two-column journals

# Set color cycle
# Set line style as well for black and white graphs
axes.prop_cycle : (cycler('color', ['k', 'r', 'b', 'g']) + cycler('ls', ['-', '--', ':', '-.']))

# Set default figure size
figure.figsize : 3.49, 2.15
figure.dpi : 600

# Font sizes
axes.labelsize: 7
xtick.labelsize: 7
ytick.labelsize: 7
legend.fontsize: 7
font.size: 7

# Font Family sans-serif
font.sans-serif: Arial, Helvetica, Lucida Grande, Verdana, Geneva, Lucid, Avant Garde, sans-serif

# Set line widths
axes.linewidth : 0.5
grid.linewidth : 0.5
lines.linewidth : 1.
lines.markersize: 3

# Always save as 'tight'
savefig.bbox : tight
savefig.pad_inches : 0.01  # Use virtually all space when we specify figure dimensions

text.usetex : False


Note the figure size is made as big as possible and following the golden ratio. Example output:

echedey-ls commented 3 weeks ago

Definitely yes!! Can you provide links to the style guide for figures for both conference types, to double check the styles? Please keep the styles minimal so behaviour is less unexpected, add examples to the gallery and modify the readme as needed, thanks ❣️