Closed ayylemao closed 3 years ago
Hi @ayylemao
Nothing that I know of in the science
style should cause this... if you like, you can add the different parameters to the top of your Python script and try commenting/uncommenting to find the culprit:
import matplotlib as mpl
from cycler import cycler
mpl.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'] = cycler(color=['0C5DA5', '00B945', 'FF9500', 'FF2C00', '845B97', '474747', '9e9e9e'])
mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (3.5, 2.625)
# etc
Also try saving with different figure sizes and different files types (png vs jpg vs pdf). You can also try disabling Latex using the no-latex
style to see if that changes anything.
Is there an option to keep the original scatter resolution obtainable without setting the plt style to 'science'?
-Plot without science style disabled, high resolution in the scatter density plot -Same plot with science style enabled, notice low resolution in scatter density plot, especialy visible in top left corner region.
Options Used for plotting:['science','ieee', 'scatter'])