garrigue / lablgtk

LablGTK 2 and 3: an interface to the GIMP Tool Kit
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Documenation for GWindow.window is not up to date #117

Open vrotaru opened 3 years ago

vrotaru commented 3 years ago

The documentation for GWindow.window in src/gWindow.mli#L142 is not up date.

There are parameters which are not longer present and actual parameters are missing. Here are what the correct values seems to be

(** @param kind default value is [`TOPLEVEL]
    @param title default value is [""] (but the title of main window of program is set to program name)
    @param decorated default value is [true]
    @param deletable default value is [true]
    @param icon default value is [false]
    @param icon_name default value is [""]    
    @param modal default value is [false]
    @param position default value is [`NONE]
    @param resizable default value is [true]
    @param screen default value is is [None] (most probably is set to [Gdk.Screen.defaualt ()] but I was unable to check it)
    @param type_hint default value is [`NORMAL]
    @param urgency default value is [false]
    @param wmclass default value is [None] (deprecated since 3.22)
    @param border_width default value is [0]
    @param width default value is [0] (but set to [200] for an empty window)
    @param height default value is [0] (but set to [200] for an empty window)
    @param show default value is [false]

I've got most of those by creating an empty window and checking its properties.

garrigue commented 3 years ago

Just to clarify: is this about lablgtk2 or lablgtk3?

vrotaru commented 3 years ago

It's about lalblgtk3.

Also I think is ti OK to drop the documentation altogether if it is not possible to keep it up to date.