garrigue / lablgtk

LablGTK 2 and 3: an interface to the GIMP Tool Kit
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How do I install? #137

Closed S3j5b0 closed 2 years ago

S3j5b0 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install labgltk as dependency for proverif. I might be a tad slow, but I really can't figure out how I should install this, from reading the README.

I have downloaded the latest release 2.18.11 and extracted it (im running ubuntu 20.04) . I have all the dependencies that I should have, but I really can't figure out what to do?

i've tried to cd into the project and running dune build as described in the readme, but it has no effect.

So, what should I do? what am I missing?

drew887 commented 2 years ago

Genuinely curious is there a reason you're unable to install this via opam ? I believe that's still the generally preferred method ? :thinking:

It looks like in the proverif README they mention using the lablgtk README to install if you wanted to do proverif from source. If that's the case it looks like proverif can be installed directly from opam as well if you want, that might be easier unless you have some reason you must install from source instead of via opam :thinking:

S3j5b0 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have never worked with ocaml before, and i'm guessing that opam is a package manager for ocaml , but I have absolutely no idea what it is. So, I just have no idea how to use opam, googling stuff like "opam install proverif" gives nothing, same for this package . Heh, so I guess i'm just a little bit out of bounds

drew887 commented 2 years ago

Yeah opam is a package manager for ocaml, im surprised your google search turned up nothing considering that opam install proverif is verbatim on the main page of the proverif site, as well as the main readme for proverif, but google be weird like that sometimes.

As for how to install opam that's best left to opam's documentation for your operating system of choice but I'll copy paste the instructions from the proverif readme here for once you have it installed

******* Installation through OPAM

OPAM can be downloaded from:
After installing OPAM, do:
      opam install proverif
      opam depext proverif
(The second line should install graphviz if you do not already have it.
You may also choose to install graphviz manually if needed.)
drew887 commented 2 years ago

Either way though @S3j5b0 do mind please closing this issue as its not so much an issue with lablgtk as much as this is just proverif/opam installation

ejgallego commented 2 years ago

@S3j5b0 I think you are using the install instructions for labgtk3 , but trying to install lablgtk2 ; these do differ in the build system.

Don't hesitate to reopen if that was not the problem!