garris / BackstopJS

Catch CSS curve balls.
MIT License
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Issues running in GitHub actions #1522

Closed daryl-sf closed 7 months ago

daryl-sf commented 7 months ago


I'm trying to run backstop test as part of CI using GitHub actions. When I do there are errors generating the test images. It looks like this is related to a dependency of backstop. Has anyone come across this issue or has had success running backstop as GitHub action?

Stack trace

Disposing Browser
      COMMAND | Executing core for "report"
      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: Invalid file signature
    at Parser._parseSignature (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/parser.js:48:18)
    at ChunkStream._processRead (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/chunkstream.js:160:13)
    at ChunkStream._process (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/chunkstream.js:175:14)
    at ChunkStream.write (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/chunkstream.js:57:8)
    at PNG.write (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/png.js:95:16)
    at ReadStream.ondata (node:internal/streams/readable:809:22)
    at ReadStream.emit (node:events:517:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:368:12)
    at readableAddChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:341:9)
    at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:278:10)
Emitted 'error' event on  instance at:
    at module.exports.emit (node:events:517:28)
    at ChunkStream._process (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/chunkstream.js:187:10)
    at ChunkStream.write (/home/runner/work/component-library/component-library/node_modules/@mirzazeyrek/node-resemble-js/node_modules/pngjs/lib/chunkstream.js:57:8)
    [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
    at Readable.push (node:internal/streams/readable:278:10)
    at node:internal/fs/streams:277:14


const baseUrl = process.env.STORYBOOK_URL || "http://localhost:6006";
const projectId = "Visual testing";

var storiesContainer = require("./stories.json");
var stories = Object.values(storiesContainer.stories);

const lightmode = stories
  .filter((story) => !== "Docs")
  .map((story) => ({
    path: `/iframe.html?viewMode=story&id=${}`,
    label: `${story.title} - ${}`,

const darkmode = stories
  .filter((story) => !== "Docs")
  .map((story) => ({
    path: `/iframe.html?viewMode=story&id=${}&globals=theme:dark`,
    label: `${story.title} - ${} - Dark`,

const relativeUrls = [...lightmode, ...darkmode];

const viewports = [
    label: "desktop",
    width: 1280,
    height: 1024,

 * Override the delay for specific components
 * This is useful for components that have animations
 * that need to be completed before taking a screenshot.
 * The delay is in milliseconds.
 * Labels can be partial matches so groups of components can be targeted.
const delayOverrides = [
    label: "Components/Chart",
    delay: 2000,

const scenarios = => {
  const DELAY =
    delayOverrides.find((delayOverride) =>
    )?.delay || 500;
  return {
    label: relativeUrl.label,
    url: `${baseUrl}${relativeUrl.path}`,
    delay: DELAY,
    readyEvent: "ready-for-screenshot",

module.exports = {
  id: projectId,
  onReadyScript: "playwright/onReady.cjs",
  onBeforeScript: "playwright/onBefore.cjs",
  paths: {
    bitmaps_reference: "backstop_data/bitmaps_reference",
    bitmaps_test: "backstop_data/bitmaps_test",
    html_report: "backstop_data/html_report",
    ci_report: "backstop_data/ci_report",
    engine_scripts: "backstop_data/engine_scripts",
  report: ["json"],
  engine: "playwright",
  engineOptions: {
    args: ["--no-sandbox"],
  asyncCaptureLimit: 5,
  asyncCompareLimit: 50,
  debug: false,
  debugWindow: false,
daryl-sf commented 7 months ago

After further investigation I found this issue was caused with using git-lfs to store reference files. Storing files directly works as expected.

edit: It also works if you call git lfs pull before running backstop. This will fetch and checkout the actual images to the filesystem