garris / BackstopJS

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Take screenshot without resizing page #820

Open JamieMcNaught opened 6 years ago

JamieMcNaught commented 6 years ago

Is there any way to take a screenshot without resizing the page? Unfortunately the template (see here - I use has some sections which use things like: .landing-page .page-header { height: 100vh; position: relative; } which unfortunately means that the page-header element becomes huge when taking the screenshot and doesn't represent what it actually looks like on the device.

See the attached screenshots - the shorter two are taken with "Capture Screenshot", scroll, "Capture Screenshot" etc. The longer one is taken with "Capture full size screenshot" - which is I think what BackstepJS is doing. I would expect the longer one to look like the two shorted ones stitched together, but as you can see it's quite different.

Is there any way to get BackstepJS to screenshot without resizing the page (or whatever it is that it's doing).

Hope this makes sense? Many thanks.

Update: 2018-11-13 - I've replaced the screenshots with links (as the hugescreenshots were overwhelming). However in my comment today (see below) I've added a scaled down comparison of what backstop currently does and how our patch works. Screen 1 Screen 2 (just scrolled down from screen 1)

Screenshot from BackstepJS - notice the page has re-layed out and now looks nothing like screens 1 and 2?

Jamiewarb commented 6 years ago

I'm also experiencing this problem - a fix or workaround would be great!

JamieMcNaught commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately using the beta descrived in #785 doesn't seem to be fixing this.

JamieMcNaught commented 6 years ago

The problem is really due to the way Chrome tries to take fullscreen screenshots by resizing the browser window.

Here's some code that works around the issue by taking multiple screenshots and stitching together. It also can give you borders around each image which I think may be helpful for determining if the site is fitting correctly to the device screensizes (one of the big issues we'd been having which made us look at some sort of auto testing).

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
const merge = require('merge-img');

(async () => {
    const vpw = 1024;
    const vph = 768;
    const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
    const page = await browser.newPage();

    await page.goto('');
    await page.setViewport({width: vpw, height: vph});

    const $ele = await page.$('body');
    const { width, height } = await $ele.boundingBox();
    console.log("W="+width+" H="+height);
//    await page.waitForNavigation({'waitUntil' : 'networkidle'});

    await page.screenshot({path: 'fullscreen.png', fullPage: true});

    var screens = [];
    for(var i = 0; (i*vph) < height; i=i+1) {
        console.log("Screen "+i);
        var screen = await page.screenshot({path: 'screen-'+i+'.png', fullPage: false, clip: {x: 0, y:i*vph, width: vpw, height: vph}});

    img = await merge(screens, {direction: true, offset: 20, margin: 10, color: 0xFF0000FF});

    await browser.close();

Obviously this needs to somehow be inserted nicely into BackstopJS or more preferably Puppeteer, but I'd stress that both of these libs would only be working around a bug in Chrome - but given the Chrome team still haven't fixed the bug with 1px wide lines rendering incorrectly on non-retina screens, I hold little hope for this getting any attention.

matthew-dean commented 6 years ago

@JamieMcNaught If this is an issue with Chrome, then why doesn't Puppeteer have this problem and Chromy does? They're both using the Chromium dev tools API.

JamieMcNaught commented 5 years ago

@matthew-dean sorry about the slow response - not sure if github doesn't mail me or I just missed it.

My backstop knowledge (and the distinctions between Puppeteer / Chromy) is very low but this issue seems to happen in Puppeteer - but it's very specific to certain websites, such as the NowUI site ( which will resize the layout based on the screen height to make the 'opening view' 100% of the browser viewport size. This is fine until you try and take a fullsixe screen shot in Chrome, at which point it seems to momentarily resize the browser window to the full height of the length of the page (which causes the page to re-layout and the screenshot to be way to long).

So my issue is "solved" by a custom version of runPuppet.js which ensures that rather than doing a Chrome Fullsize Screenshot (which you can emulate in Chome itself by doing Developer Tools -> Toggle Device Toolbar (CTRL-SHIFT+M) -> "..." menu (top right) ->Capture Fullsize Screenshot - try it on the NowUI page) it instead takes individual screenshots all the way down the page and stiches them together.

It's not ideal, but the result is something like the screen below - and sorry about the previous screenshots - should have resized them down. compare

matthew-dean commented 5 years ago

@JamieMcNaught Are you planning to do a PR of your changed code into Backstop?

sballesteros commented 5 years ago

Just opened a PR inspired by @JamieMcNaught comment here:

Its-Alex commented 4 years ago

@garris Up

garris commented 4 years ago

I just brought this in locally. Will push to a beta tag.

Its-Alex commented 4 years ago

@garris Why did use a constant MERGE_IMG_SEGMENT_HEIGHT instead of letting the user change this variables ?

sballesteros commented 4 years ago

yes was wondering the same why not letting that as part of the config?

garris commented 4 years ago

What is the purpose for changing the value?

It appears that this value needs to be small enough not to cause an overflow in puppeteer (i.e. works around the the root cause) but large enough that append operations are not called more than is necessary (i.e performance optimization). Am I understanding that correctly?

If that is the case then it seems we can simplify the API and just treat as feature flag.

What do you think?

Its-Alex commented 4 years ago

In my point of view I think that let the user choose allow him to reach maximum performance in his environment, contrariwise you'll need to add a min/max value.

But maybe it's overkill and nobody will use it.

sballesteros commented 4 years ago

Yes just performance optimization. Hard coding the value is probably the simplest here. As an alternative approach we could do:

// `mergeImgHack` is typically a Boolean but user can 
// specify a number (px) for performance optimization
const screenHeight = typeof config.mergeImgHack === 'number' ?  config.mergeImgHack : 2000;

Not the cleanest but the whole thing is a hack anyway...

garris commented 4 years ago

@sballesteros -- yes that is totally fine -- you can just...

const screenHeight = typeof config.mergeImgHack === 'number' ?  config.mergeImgHack : MERGE_IMG_SEGMENT_HEIGHT;
IgorMilosavljevic commented 4 years ago

@garris @sballesteros That line of code that checks for a specific value is quite useful. It isn't added to the repo yet, correct?

I've tested by manually changing it and I'm getting much better results that with the default 2000px height. Presumably the viewport height from the scenario could be used as a third option? Is this planned to be added or are you open to a PR?

garris commented 4 years ago

@IgorMilosavljevic This is in-fact merged. (was done manually)

Documented here...

~This change is available with...~ ~npm install backstopjs@canary~

This is published to @latest.

Please update this thread if this works for you -- thanks!

Its-Alex commented 4 years ago

@garris I don't understand, where is documentation about it in canary branch ? Moreover I can't find where is the options to custom this variable, can you help me please ?

IgorMilosavljevic commented 4 years ago

@garris Thank you! That was quick, gj man. I'll check the feature tonight/tomorrow and update the thread.

@Its-Alex Hey Alex, in your backstop.json config file, inside scenario properties, you now have an option to either use:

"mergeImgHack": true,

which will use the default viewport height of 2000px.

Or if you want a specific height, eg. 1024px, just add:

"mergeImgHack": 1024,

Hope this helps, let me know if you need more info.

Its-Alex commented 4 years ago

@IgorMilosavljevic Thanks I will check, do you know if this is documented somewhere ? The fact that we can use a specific value ?

An-dy1 commented 4 years ago

@garris @IgorMilosavljevic I have tried to use this fix but encountering the same issue. I'm using BackstopJS v4.4.2. Here are the relevant lines of code (I kept everything else at its defaults upon running backstop init). "url": "", "mergeImgHack": 1024, Am I missing a step here?

An-dy1 commented 4 years ago

@IgorMilosavljevic Thanks I will check, do you know if this is documented somewhere ? The fact that we can use a specific value ?

This update is now described in the project-level READMe, if that answers your question.

IgorMilosavljevic commented 4 years ago

@Its-Alex The possibility of using a specific number value isn't documented at the moment, but it's clear from the source itself (as you can see bellow). If I find the time, I'll try to make a PR and update the file.

@Its-Alex @An-dy1 Regarding the issue you're both having, I was wrong when providing the previous instructions. Sorry about that.

The mergeImgHack property (either having true or a number as it's value) shouldn't be placed inside the "scenarios" but at the first level of the backstop.json array. Basically place "mergeImgHack": true, just next to "viewports" or "onBeforeScript" or any other first level value in the config. Example:

  "id": "backstop_default",
  "viewports": [
      "label": "phone",
      "width": 320,
      "height": 480
      "label": "tablet",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 768
  "mergeImgHack": 1024,
  "onBeforeScript": "puppet/onBefore.js",
  "onReadyScript": "puppet/onReady.js",

Reason I wrongly assumed it should be placed inside the scenarios is because I don't use the default bacsktop.json structure, but I keep all repeated scenario properties at the first level :)

IgorMilosavljevic commented 4 years ago

@garris Confirming the issue is resolved on my end.

Tested on (using true and a numeric value):

  1. private project with several scenarios and viewports, "debugWindow": true,
  2. default setup created with backstop init (BackstopJS Github page);

Thank you once again, this project is an absolute gem

garris commented 4 years ago

@IgorMilosavljevic thank you for your help with this!

dron888 commented 4 years ago

The mergeImgHack doesn't work correctly if, for example, the body has some div that is absolutely positioned and is higher in height than body.

<body><div class="popup">some content (this height > height body)</div></body>

.popup {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0;}

If capture document selector, then height for capture is determined by body and part of popup of window will be lost. In this situation, I have to capture popup selector, but then content that user interacted with is lost.

@JamieMcNaught could you improve mergeImgHack so that it works with individual selectors that can be specified in config selectors?

abu-sithik commented 4 years ago

The given "mergeImgHack": true" solution is not working for me.

megclaypool commented 4 years ago

I'm having some trouble with the mergeImgHack. I really want this to work, because I'm trying to test a site that has an element with height: 100vh. Unfortunately, the regular screenshots do not play nicely with such elements, and in all my screenshots this element stretches ridiculously tall (and looks terrible!).

Enter mergeImgHack! I was so excited when I found this option!!! Alas, it doesn't seem to be working properly for me ๐Ÿ™

When I set the selector to "document" in the scenario, and add "mergeImgHack": true, to the config, Backstop produces an image whose height is equal to that of the entire page, but all portions of the image below the viewport's height setting are blank white. (I think prtksxna is having the same problem in issue 1188. Upon reflection the background color of this site is white, so it might be painting the empty parts "background color" instead of "blank").

I can increase the height of the viewport, and then more of the image is filled in, but then I start running into the distortion of the element whose height is 100vh ๐Ÿ™

I tried using "mergeImgHack": 1000 (since my viewport in this particular test had a height of 1000) but still no dice -- the images below 1000 (my viewport height) are all blank/white.

I've mucked about in runPuppet.js, and managed to get it to save out the individual screenshots before merging them. I can confirm that the original screenshots are all white below the viewport height, including the part of the first image that extended below the viewport height.

Sooo... It sure seems like the problem lies with the screen capture part of the process, rather than the merging part.

I'm on a MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.15.5, node version 12.18.2, and backstopJS version 5.0.1.

My backstop.json file contains the following:

  "id": "backstop_default",
  "mergeImgHack": 1000,
  "viewports": [
      "label": "phone",
      "width": 320,
      "height": 480
      "label": "tablet",
      "width": 1024,
      "height": 768
  "onBeforeScript": "puppet/onBefore.js",
  "onReadyScript": "puppet/onReady.js",
  "scenarios": [
      "label": "Homepage",
      "url": "http://techequity.test/?ao_nolazy=1",
      "referenceUrl": "https://techequitycollaborative.test/?ao_nolazy=1",
      "selectors": [
      "misMatchThreshold": 0.1,
      "requireSameDimensions": true,
      "viewports": [
          "label": "Desktop",
          "width": 1920,
          "height": 1000
  "paths": {
    "bitmaps_reference": "backstop_data/bitmaps_reference",
    "bitmaps_test": "backstop_data/bitmaps_test",
    "engine_scripts": "backstop_data/engine_scripts",
    "html_report": "backstop_data/html_report",
    "ci_report": "backstop_data/ci_report"
  "report": ["browser"],
  "engine": "puppeteer",
  "engineOptions": {
    "args": ["--no-sandbox"]
  "asyncCaptureLimit": 5,
  "asyncCompareLimit": 50,
  "debug": false,
  "debugWindow": false

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can further troubleshoot this so as to give @garris as much info as possible? I really want this feature to work, and I know the best way to accomplish that is to provide a really helpful bug report, (or fix it myself and submit a PR!) but I'm running into the limits of my JS skills ๐Ÿ˜›

gauravgoyal commented 3 years ago

I'm also facing the same problem. Using mergeImgHack solves the problem of background image being stretched but everything below becomes white/blank

zahorulko commented 3 years ago

The given "mergeImgHack": true" solution is not working for me.

@abu-sithik it helped me npm install backstopjs@beta

flitt1 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @zahorulko , installing the beta version of BackstopJS worked for me! Before that, I was having the same problem as @megclaypool - the images below my viewport height were blank/missing.

@garris Will the changes that are in the beta version for mergeImgHack be merged in to master at some point? I'm concerned about using a beta version but this feature is so useful that I'm hoping it will be fully supported in future versions of BackstopJS.

garris commented 3 years ago

Hi @flitt1 -- apologies for the delay following up on this. I have not had a chance to really look into this issue. I need to review the changes that are in the beta branch -- what is the actual version number that fixes the problem for you?

I am concerned that this problem is actually a few separate issues based on implementation details. So while this particular set of changes addresses your problem it may actually cause regressions for others.

It may require a different config flag.

garris commented 3 years ago

Note to self: commits between beta branch and master...

flitt1 commented 3 years ago

@garris Thanks, I'm using beta version 4.3.3. Other than latest, I haven't tried installing other versions, so if it would help for me to try a few different versions just let me know.

garris commented 3 years ago

@flitt1 So, the beta branch is actually behind master. It is an older branch.

Here are all the changes that have been made between 4.3.3 and master. Someone needs to review this change list, (all the commits since 4.3.3) to find out what changes may have changed/broke the behavior you need.

Please feel free to review this list for something that would impact the behavior -- at a quick glance I see a commit that looks like it could have something to do with it...

flitt1 commented 3 years ago

@garris Thanks, I'll take a look.

flitt1 commented 3 years ago

@garris It looks like it is the version of puppeteer that is causing the problem. The feature works perfectly until the switch from puppeteer 1.15.0 to 2.0.0 (

I tried updating the BackstopJS package.json file to point at the latest version of puppeteer (v5.5.0) and it looks like it resolves the problem.

Scratch that, looks like it doesn't work with puppeteer 5.5.0. I'll keep digging.

saiz97 commented 3 years ago

Hi Guys,

Unfortunately I also had the same problem as @megclaypool , so I tried the beta version for now, like @abu-sithik suggested. Works so far - thanks!

However, I now have a problem with my selectors now. As soon as I try to select content outside this first upper area, I get the following error message: Error capturing element .footer Error: Node has 0 height.

I would have tried several approaches: delay, readySelector, wait in my onReady-script, wait for element in onReady-script But these approaches didn't work.

Anyone have any ideas how I could solve this problem?

Sidenote: The content is loaded dynamically, but the document screenshot is complete, which is why I assume that these elements should also be there?

Cheers, Daniel

Edit: I am using backstop@beta (4.3.3) with puppeteer 1.15.0 - @flitt1 did this error occur in your tests as well?

halisonfernandes commented 3 years ago

There is definitely an issue with vh unit. In my case, I'm using this unit as a padding-left on a component - and that is the only piece where the screenshot breaks.

A combination of mergeImgHack and backstopjs@beta solve my issue, however it's taking longer than without mergeImgHack to complete all steps. Since the issue happens on only one component, I decided to convert the padding to px and to use the latest backstopjs version without mergeImgHack attribute.

bercik commented 1 year ago


Was this fix removed in this PR?

Does it mean there is no way to work around this issue now?

We see similar thing in our screenshot tests. We've got an animation when resizing window and it seems sometimes the screenshot is taken while this animation is being played - probably meaning that the windows is resized before taking screenshot. And in that case we are getting failed screenshot test.